
does anyone else experience gymtimidation? Yesterday my boyfriend added me to his gym membership and today I stepped into this gym for the very first time. First off, the girls at the front desk were rude. One of the members told my bf that he would give me a tour today and introduce me to some of the equipment. When I told that member who I was and requested a tour he acted complete annoyed and was reluctant to show me around knowing I was new to this gym!! He ended up giving me a brief 1 minute tour of this huge gym. I felt like such an inconvenience to him.

The gym was extremely open which makes me uncomfortable. It makes me slightly insecure for the 50 other people in there to be able to see my every move and rep. Everyone in there really seemed to know what to do. I felt so out of place. I don't want this to discourage me from working out.

Does anyone have any words of encouragement or advice? Is anyone else going through this?


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    The rude people at the front desk, I would talk to management about. Instead of being shown around by another member, most gyms have trainers or floor staff to show people around and instruct and help with proper use of machines. I can tell you though the other 50 people in the gym are not looking at you but are concentrating on their own workouts. The first few times you may want to pick less busy times until you become more comfortable.
  • aalixandruh
    aalixandruh Posts: 58 Member
    It was one of their floor staff who showed me around I think, unfortunately. He had his own office meaning he should have been a little more polite than he was. I kept trying to tell myself that nobody was looking at me but I'm just SO self conscious. I wish I could just snap my fingers and feel better about this.
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,112 Member
    What I do is go to the gym & put my headphones on & do my work-out. I don't look around @ others & in my mind I am there by myself. It helps that I have one of those personalities that doesn't give a rats *kitten* what other people think of me... :)
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Well people are going to be rude and crappy at their job no matter where you go.
    Just put on your headphones and do your workout, don't worry about anyone else. make it your escape.
  • domdog
    domdog Posts: 2 Member
    Best thing I ever did was join the Y (family membership). The emphasis is on FAMILY. Every age group, skill level. Sure people check you out but usually the desk is attended by nice young people. There are staffers to answer questions and be involved as little or as much as you like. A little expensive per month but if it is a single member fee it may be well worth it if you feel good about going. You will find yourself there more often. All I do is walk the track or use the tread mill. And if I so choose I can join any number of fun classes offered- yoga, boot camp, Zumba, etc.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    I experienced this type of feeling this morning, even though I am a regular at my gym.

    I used the squat rack for the first time (I used to do squats with a fixed weight barbell but then it got a bit too heavy for me to lift from the ground to my shoulders, so I decided to venture into the squat rack). The gym was dead. But I still felt like a poser.

    But really, anybody who is watching you and judging you is not a nice person. You are there to better yourself and making an effort. That should be appreciated.
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    Discomfort like this is new in any situation, especially one where you may be subject to viewing by others and when you may not feel like an expert at what you're doing. Just keep going back and doing your thing. Do your best to ignore the people around you, although I know that's hard. The more time you spend there, the more familiar it will feel. Your form will also improve and you'll get comfortable with the equipment. Pretty soon you'll look like an old pro. Don't let anyone scare you away!
  • carmkizzle
    carmkizzle Posts: 211 Member
    edited April 2016
    It was one of their floor staff who showed me around I think, unfortunately. He had his own office meaning he should have been a little more polite than he was. I kept trying to tell myself that nobody was looking at me but I'm just SO self conscious. I wish I could just snap my fingers and feel better about this.

    I understand the hesitation, as I'm introverted and sometimes don't do well with new situations and being around a ton of people I don't know. What got me past all of that was just doing it. I had goals to work towards and wanted to go to the gym to do it, so I had to get over my insecurities and started being more realistic. What were the chances that all of these people were actually watching me instead of focusing on themselves and suffering (possibly) through their own workout? Very small.

    Once you go a few times, you'll start feeling like you belong, because you do belong. You're working on your fitness just like everyone else there.
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    edited April 2016
    headofphat wrote: »
    Well people are going to be rude and crappy at their job no matter where you go.
    Just put on your headphones and do your workout, don't worry about anyone else. make it your escape.


    Like another said you could try going at less busy time to start and to get yourself more comfortable. I know for the first 2 months at the gym I stayed in the women's workout room and never left... then I ventured into the main open area. Still very cautious but I AM THERE FOR ME... so everyone besides my trainer and my BF there with me can take a flying leap.

    carmkizzle wrote: »

    Once you go a few times, you'll start feeling like you belong, because you do belong. You're working on your fitness just like everyone else there.

    OOOoo... and this ^^^ :)

  • aalixandruh
    aalixandruh Posts: 58 Member
    Oh wow. I loved reading through everyone's responses! I'm def going to re read these tomorrow when I go.
  • coalz
    coalz Posts: 308 Member
    Maybe you can go with your boyfriend & he can show you how to use the machines. Some gyms offer a free training session when u sign up. For me, I show up already dressed to exercise with my headphones on & get on the treadmill in the back corner ;)
  • kwiatrtdy2
    kwiatrtdy2 Posts: 27 Member
    YouTube how to use some of the equipment properly as well. It was one less thing to worry about when I first started.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited April 2016
    xbowhunter wrote: »
    What I do is go to the gym & put my headphones on & do my work-out. I don't look around @ others & in my mind I am there by myself. It helps that I have one of those personalities that doesn't give a rats *kitten* what other people think of me... :)

    ^^LOL, basically this. But the gym I joined is Anytime Fitness, specifically so I can go "anytime". I go very early in the morning, and there are usually only 2 or 3 other people. I don't look at them, get involved in my "Law & Order" episode, do my thing for an hour, and leave. I only use the elliptical & treadmill (I am afraid of the stair stepper) as my husband has a weight room in our basement.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Any kind of new situation or environment is going to make anybody a little uncomfortable...I've been in and out of gyms for the better part of my life and starting at a new gym is always weird at first...different equipment, lots of people I don't familiar faces...figuring out where certain equipment is, etc. It usually takes me 2-3 weeks to get into the groove at a new gym.

    That said, I've belonged to gyms that have never clicked for me...I don't particularly like big box corporate gyms in particular.

    Just keep in mind that really, people are there to get their work done for the most part...they're really not concerned with you.
  • aalixandruh
    aalixandruh Posts: 58 Member
    xbowhunter wrote: »
    What I do is go to the gym & put my headphones on & do my work-out. I don't look around @ others & in my mind I am there by myself. It helps that I have one of those personalities that doesn't give a rats *kitten* what other people think of me... :)

    ^^LOL, basically this. But the gym I joined is Anytime Fitness, specifically so I can go "anytime". I go very early in the morning, and there are usually only 2 or 3 other people. I don't look at them, get involved in my "Law & Order" episode, do my thing for an hour, and leave. I only use the elliptical & treadmill (I am afraid of the stair stepper) as my husband has a weight room in our basement.

    I used to have anytime fitness! I loved it! I would be the only person in thee at 3 am and it was so awesome. I felt fearless in that gym. Lol. The gym I just signed up for is a very well known gym corporation. They have a pool though which I love! I think everyone is right, I just need to give it time.
  • WalkinNSunshine
    WalkinNSunshine Posts: 2 Member
    I know these posts were in regards to Aalixandruh's post, but they sure did help me too! I've recently joined the Y and keep talking myself out of going. I have an elliptical at home but really want to use the pool and other equipment. I will have to re-read these posts to get me there. Thanks for the encouraging words..
  • aalixandruh
    aalixandruh Posts: 58 Member
    I know these posts were in regards to Aalixandruh's post, but they sure did help me too! I've recently joined the Y and keep talking myself out of going. I have an elliptical at home but really want to use the pool and other equipment. I will have to re-read these posts to get me there. Thanks for the encouraging words..

    Im sorry you are in the same boat as I am but I'm glad I'm not alone! I thought I was crazy for feeling the way I felt! If you ever need a push to get you to the gym, let me know!
  • ashleyylo
    ashleyylo Posts: 101 Member
    I still feel this when I go into the "boys" side of the gym (you know, where the squat rack and heavy weights live).

    However, the more I "feel the fear and do it anyway", the more empowered I feel. There is nothing quite like loading up that barbell to make you feel like a badass. When I feel like people are looking at me, I just tell myself they are admiring my "HEWGE MUSCLES" lol.
  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    One time, I went to try out the YMCA and see what all they had to offer. I have bad knees, so swimming is best for me, and I knew they had a pool so I went straight there.
    It was 30 mins. before closing time, and the lifeguard on duty was CLEARLY ready to go home. Every time I looked up, he was watching me, and he didn't look happy (there was only one other swimmer in there with me).
    You know what? I had a perfect right to be there, so I finished my laps, and left when they were about to lock the door.

    I say complain about the rude people, and just get in there and do yo thang! :D
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    Once you familiarize yourself with the floorplan and develop a training routine, you'll be so focused that nothing could possibly stand in the way of bettering yourself.

    Having social anxiety, I never thought I'd sign up for a gym. Exercising in a big room with a bunch of other people? Yeah. NO.

    But through odd circumstances it ended up happening and I regret not jumping in the inferno sooner. You can feel pretty amazing through the hard work you put in at a gym. I now admire and feel inspired by the people who walk through my gym's doors. They are telling me that for the next 30-60-90 minutes they are putting their health first. The mother of 3, the corporate dad, the college kid with a FT job, the retired grandparents..... nothing else matters in that gym but becoming a better version of yourself! We're all just reflections of each other, bro.