To run or not to run?

I hate running. Jogging on the other hand I kinda like. I just cant do it for long. Any advice on how to get up to doing it longer? Does it even burn that many more calories than just walking? I need to torch some calories and loose weight, seems like the skinny folk are always runners.


  • dbkyser
    dbkyser Posts: 612 Member
    Great question as I am in the same boat. I am not sure that running burns that many more calories per mile just gets more miles in per hour.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Running and jogging are the same thing.

    The best way to get better at it is to do it more.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    so ponder this. running will get you the calorie burn quicker than walking. so..walk longer or jog less time. up to you. However, as you become "inshape" you will be less stressed and burn fewer calories presumably. Most runners run for the love of the run, not the weightloss. Weightloss is about calorie deficit ...running is about your health. don't expect running or walking or any exercise to "shred that fat". of course it helps, but its not the miracle either.

    Calorie deficit is where its at for weightloss.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I hate running. Jogging on the other hand I kinda like.

    How do you define the difference?
    Any advice on how to get up to doing it longer?

    Practice. Use a training plan of some kind as a fairly easy way to improve your endurance.
    Does it even burn that many more calories than just walking?

    Twice as many calories running a mile as walking one.
  • chiptease
    chiptease Posts: 70 Member
    Sprint training helped my endurance. Do it in sections. Start with 10 second sprints, build up to 20, then 30, etc. Google "sprint training routines" for more ideas. My endurance was really bad as well until I started jogging every day + sprinting. Practice!
  • TaraHancock827
    TaraHancock827 Posts: 37 Member
    How do you define the difference?

    Jogging I can do for a while. Running is hard and too fast a pace for me to keep up for very long.

  • TaraHancock827
    TaraHancock827 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for all the advice!! MFP has some great people to help us folks with silly questions!!
  • Jcl81
    Jcl81 Posts: 154 Member
    I hate running. Jogging on the other hand I kinda like. I just cant do it for long. Any advice on how to get up to doing it longer? Does it even burn that many more calories than just walking? I need to torch some calories and loose weight, seems like the skinny folk are always runners.

    As a previous runner. It depends on speed for calories burned. The best way to train is to run more, I know strange but it's that simple. You have to build endurance.

    If you want to burn more calories in a shorter period of time burpees and jump rope will do it, but it's going to be intense.

    If you do run get some nice running shoes, and don't run on tar. Run on a rubber track or on sand, maybe off road in the woods on a trail, you don't need or want shin splints.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited April 2016
    Jogging I can do for a while. Running is hard and too fast a pace for me to keep up for very long.

    So you can run for a while or you can run for a short period...

    If you want to run for a while then do it at a pace that you can sustain for a while.

    For endurance training, you need to train for endurance. Best bet is start with a plan like Couch to 5K, to get you to running for 30 minutes. From there, you have some options about what to do, whether running longer or something else.

    Personally I wouldn't advocate sprint sessions until you can sustain an hour at a comfortable pace.

    fwiw I wouldn't run just for the calorie expenditure, easier to get your intake under control. Train for your health.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    dbkyser wrote: »
    Great question as I am in the same boat. I am not sure that running burns that many more calories per mile just gets more miles in per hour.

    The metabolic equivalent for running is twice that for walking, so twice as many calories per mile
  • lessbounce
    lessbounce Posts: 250 Member
    Get yourself some good running shoes, and just jog in your comfort zone. It's great weight bearing exercise which is good for your bones. My Mother is 71 and successfully completes half marathon buy "staying in her comfort zone". Concentrate on the experience and enjoying the view, plan your routes so you see places you don't normally see.
  • ConicalFern
    ConicalFern Posts: 121 Member

    Twice as many calories running a mile as walking one.

    Do you have a source for this? I can imagine running might burn twice as many calories per minute, but per mile I'm not so sure.

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member

    Twice as many calories running a mile as walking one.

    Do you have a source for this? I can imagine running might burn twice as many calories per minute, but per mile I'm not so sure.

    Compendium of Physical Activities, based on research at Stanford. Most recently updated in 2011.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I hate running. Jogging on the other hand I kinda like. I just cant do it for long. Any advice on how to get up to doing it longer? Does it even burn that many more calories than just walking? I need to torch some calories and loose weight, seems like the skinny folk are always runners.

    If you like to run then run...if you don't then don't. Lean, fit, and healthy people do all kinds of different things. I very rarely run...I primarily cycle, do some hiking, and lift weights...I do a little swimming in the summer...I loath running.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member

    Twice as many calories running a mile as walking one.

    Do you have a source for this? I can imagine running might burn twice as many calories per minute, but per mile I'm not so sure.

    They developed the two equations:
    For walking: .3 x lbs x miles = calories burned
    For running: .63 x lbs x miles = calories burned

    This equation is actually a lot more conservative than what a lot of other online calculators will give you, or for MET values, or possibly what your HRM says, or even what a lot of folks use on here. So I feel pretty safe with it.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Run at a slow pace, and build your endurance first. Then, start working on picking up the pace.
  • shamie2441
    shamie2441 Posts: 3 Member
    Try the C25k app , it helps you build up to jogging longer
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    I hate running. Jogging on the other hand I kinda like.

    How do you define the difference?
    Any advice on how to get up to doing it longer?

    Practice. Use a training plan of some kind as a fairly easy way to improve your endurance.
    Does it even burn that many more calories than just walking?

    Twice as many calories running a mile as walking one.

    Just curious where the twice as many calories comes from?

    From this article:

    Distance itself does not really determine total calories burned. How long you exercise, how fast/hard you exercise, how much you weigh, and your fitness level are the major determinants of calories burned.

    According to the website, a 200 pound man would burn 113 calories walking 1 mile at a pace of 4 miles per hour (total exercise duration = 15 minutes).

    The same man would burn 151 calories running a mile at a pace of 6 miles per hour (total exercise duration = 10 minutes).
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited April 2016
    Personally I go back to the Stanford research.

    3 mph walk gives a MET of 3.5
    4 mph run gives a MET of 6
    6 mph run gives a MET of 9.8

    METs are a scaling factor that's representative of mechanical efficiency
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    If you like running, run. Find a beginner's program like C25K and start from there. If you prefer walking, walk. Or dance. Or swim. Or get a bike. Or whatever else you think is fun. Exercise will be effective if you like it enough to actually do it.