Advice on when to cut please

I've lifted weights for around 4 years but due to issues around food I have mostly eaten at quite a deficit to my maintenance. I put on a bit of muscle but didn't get where I wanted to be. So this year I started to follow eat to perform and started to eat my maintenance calories. I then got my head into eating at 10% more to hopefully put on the muscle I want.

I weight 63k, height - 173cm and I'm female.

My maintenance is around 2250 and I'm presently eating 2500. I've been doing this for around 8 weeks and training 4 times a week. All of my lifts have increased in weight so I'm happy with progress.

I have some excess body fat that I would like to loose on looking at images I would say it's around 5% I would like to loose. I think I'm around 25% body fat now so would like to get to around 20%

The question is when is the right time to cut? (I would like to look good for summer however I live in Wales so I may be waiting a long time for that to arrive !)


  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    You do a cut when you feel like you're ready. The saying goes to cut when you can't stand to look at yourself. LOL. Seriously, you can always start a cut whenever you like. Some do a progressive cut by making small cuts in their caloric intake over time. That way they work into it. If you have a long way to go for summer that may be better for you.