
where should i measure to see if my belly is getting smaller? it says the same number as it did 39 pounds ago and i can tell my belly looks smaller. wondering if i am measuring in the wrong place?


  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    myaminals wrote: »
    where should i measure to see if my belly is getting smaller? it says the same number as it did 39 pounds ago and i can tell my belly looks smaller. wondering if i am measuring in the wrong place?

    You would need to measure the same place each time. Typically it's about 2'' above the belly button.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I think most people measure in different spots. It's mostly about measuring in the same spot each time. Some people pick their belly button because it is doesn't move. Some people look in the mirror & bend over & measure where they fold. Some people measure half-way between the top of their hip-bone & the bottom of their ribs. I'm short, so my belly button is actually below the top of my hip-bones & my ribcage is about an inch above that. I use that small space in between to measure. If I used my belly button, my waist measurement would be huge because my hip bones are pretty wide & aren't going to shrink. Just pick a spot that you will be able to replicate if you are wanting consistent measurements to compare.
  • Lewisg51
    Lewisg51 Posts: 220 Member
    I always do it just above where the hip bones are
  • myaminals
    myaminals Posts: 197 Member
    thanks guys! i will try those suggestions
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I like to track a couple places-my natural waist at the smallest point, closer to my belly button, and down closer to my hip bone. My hip measurement is at the largest point.
  • myaminals
    myaminals Posts: 197 Member
    thanks. i think i am going to add in the extra measurement as well. i am very curious for when it will be smaller to tell a difference around my belly.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    myaminals wrote: »
    thanks. i think i am going to add in the extra measurement as well. i am very curious for when it will be smaller to tell a difference around my belly.

    Yeah, it can be helpful. The areas don't necessarily lose at the same rate so your body can go through all different little stages and it's nice to see what's happening. Some people come on here worrying that their tummy got larger even though they've lost weight, but really it's because their chest got smaller, or the measurement closer to their belly button got smaller but the natural waist didn't catch up! Interesting things our bodies are
  • myaminals
    myaminals Posts: 197 Member
    interesting is right i never thought i would lose weight so weirdly. guess never had this much to worry about before now that i do it comes off in weird spots first and none in others even though i am nearly 40 pounds down.