
How do you count your points? Im having a hard time counting points so i converted my points to cal. And eating way to low.. Please help


  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I weigh in at ww, but don't use the new points system. So can't be much help!
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    If you have a hard time counting points, and are going through the trouble of converting points to calories, why are you evena WW member? Give it up and just calorie count on MFP, which is free.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    How many calories are you eating/day? You for sure don't want to eat any less than 1200 (and that is really too low also). I'm not a fan of WW because it really doesn't teach people anything about how to set up sustainable health eating habits. Logging your calories and macros is so much better because you actually learn what is in the foods you eat. Plus, it's so much more sustainable.
  • songbird13291
    songbird13291 Posts: 120 Member
    Smart Points have no real relationship to calories. If you're not using Weight Watchers etools to track your points, you need to find a knock off app like Pro Tracker or Ultimate Food Value Diary to track your points. Some people double track to make sure they're getting enough calories, or that they're not eating too many calories, both of which can happen with Smart Points depending on what you're eating.
  • mamichulla
    mamichulla Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all and i do agree with you all. The reason why im on WW is i have to be on a program per my insurance b4 let let me see the weight loss surgen
  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 350 Member
    If you have a hard time counting points, and are going through the trouble of converting points to calories, why are you evena WW member? Give it up and just calorie count on MFP, which is free.
    This. Plus, if you have to participate in WW for the insurance, just go for weigh-ins, and use MFP to track your food. I still use my WW digital food scale, but just for food weights, not for points.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    WW is now carb based & exercise its no longer calories the calories are very low I coukdnt do it it's too restrictive & expensive and sadly it's near the same as SW which didn't work for me

    I'd do mfp as said weigh in at ww who's to know
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I agree just weigh in and use MFP for tracking if you are just doing it to get the surgery. I hope you aren't looking at a lap band though. I had that done and it was not a good experience. I have since had it removed and have lost more weight just eating right. The truth about those surgeries they don't tell you is that it is very hard on your body. There are side effects to all of it of course as there is with being overweight. The surgery is just a tool to help it isn't a fix; you still have to diet to lose weight. I know people who were successful but I wasn't one of them. I remember how desperate I was and I paid alot of money to have the surgery done but was so sorry in the end. I lost about 20 pounds (some of it pre-surgery to qualify) then began gaining it back after some time passed. I couldn't eat anything healthy because it would get stuck and I was vomiting all the time. I know there is a time when surgery is the only option and I'm not judging you at all just sharing my personal experience. Either way this program can be very helpful to you before and after should you choose to have the surgery. Good luck whichever way you go. We all deserve to be healthy and happy.