I Feel like a loser...



  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    I might point out that here we are ALL "losers", on purpose. Funny thing about exercise...as you get stronger, you perform better. Stay the course...
  • angelwowings23
    angelwowings23 Posts: 128 Member
    I'd have to imagine you were doing this workout with OTHER PEOPLE. The fact that you think you did "awful" is most likely based on comparisons you made during the workout between what you were doing versus others. Now, we all have off days where we don't feel like working out and, because of our head space, we psych ourselves out and maybe don't get as much from it as we would another day. However, when you're in the gym...the only person you need to compete with is yourself. Everyone is different and at different levels of fitness and capability. You start thinking you should be at someone else's level, you're only going to get frustrated. I'm sure you did great. The next time you do that workout, compare it to how you did this time...and that will tell you how much you've progressed. :)
  • MermaidAmanda10
    MermaidAmanda10 Posts: 63 Member
    sarbu24 wrote: »
    Better than laying on the sofa!!!Good job !!

    This!!! Exactly this!!! You are not a loser.... You got this girl!!! Believe in yourself!! A bad workout is better then no workout!

  • AlphaCajun
    AlphaCajun Posts: 290 Member
    kcerrillo wrote: »
    So I've been doing crossfit for about 3 weeks now and I love it! I joined a challenge where I work hard to loose fat %/weigjt and it's 8 weeks. Well today we did a benchmark workout and I did awful. I was huffing from running and my mind wasn't in a you can do it place. I get to do this workout at 4 weeks and 8 to see my progress but I can't get over how awful I did and how lame I look but most of all I'm struggling at being the slowest,lowest weight I lift ect... words of enouragement?

    You beat the only person you're competing against... the person you were four weeks ago..
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Stick with it! I started CF last August at 42 years old, and it took a lot of mental preparation to walk into the gym every day feeling like the slowest, weakest person in the room. I am still not at the level of most people at my box, but I have improved IMMENSELY, and I know because I improve consistently on the benchmark workouts. This is your starting point - you will go far!

    And some days just suck. :)
  • kcerrillo
    kcerrillo Posts: 103 Member
    I'd have to imagine you were doing this workout with OTHER PEOPLE. The fact that you think you did "awful" is most likely based on comparisons you made during the workout between what you were doing versus others. Now, we all have off days where we don't feel like working out and, because of our head space, we psych ourselves out and maybe don't get as much from it as we would another day. However, when you're in the gym...the only person you need to compete with is yourself. Everyone is different and at different levels of fitness and capability. You start thinking you should be at someone else's level, you're only going to get frustrated. I'm sure you did great. The next time you do that workout, compare it to how you did this time...and that will tell you how much you've progressed. :)

    Can we best friends? Lol!
  • kcerrillo
    kcerrillo Posts: 103 Member
    Yay I had a great workout today. Thank u guys so much for ur support! I gotta see what I'm doing better at inside where I need to improve and get down on it. Killed the WOD today. U guys rock!
  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    I've been doing CF almost a year now, and I'm still working on getting better at lots of things.

    What benchmark did you do? There are some out there that even I would struggle with. I'm guessing they've picked one that will give a good idea where you are from a cardio and strength perspective.

    My wife started CF about 8 weeks ago. Every day when she came back from class (we work out at different times) she'd tell me how embarrassed and awkward she felt. Part of it was not being able to do what everyone else was doing and part of it was knowing how out of shape she was. Over the past 8 weeks, she's made huge strides in what she can do in a workout, and as that's happened, her confidence has skyrocketed. She now picks out people in each class she's going to try to beat, and uses that as a way to push herself harder.

    Bottom line, stick with it, and in 8 weeks you'll be in a much different place than you are now. There will still be tons of things to learn and work on getting better at, and that's part of what CF great.
  • kcerrillo
    kcerrillo Posts: 103 Member
    I've been doing CF almost a year now, and I'm still working on getting better at lots of things.

    What benchmark did you do? There are some out there that even I would struggle with. I'm guessing they've picked one that will give a good idea where you are from a cardio and strength perspective.

    My wife started CF about 8 weeks ago. Every day when she came back from class (we work out at different times) she'd tell me how embarrassed and awkward she felt. Part of it was not being able to do what everyone else was doing and part of it was knowing how out of shape she was. Over the past 8 weeks, she's made huge strides in what she can do in a workout, and as that's happened, her confidence has skyrocketed. She now picks out people in each class she's going to try to beat, and uses that as a way to push herself harder.

    Bottom line, stick with it, and in 8 weeks you'll be in a much different place than you are now. There will still be tons of things to learn and work on getting better at, and that's part of what CF great.

    Wow thank u so much! Bench mark was

    Run come back n do amap burpies til for 6 minuets then run again do as many ball walls for 6 minuets.I'm just so awful at running :(
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    You are a loser...as in you're losing weight! ;P Don't let one bad day get you down. The next time you do that workout and nail it it will be all the more sweeter! Just showing up and doing the workout makes you a winner in my book. :smile:
  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    That benchmark has a lot going on, and if you don't have a good cardio base you're in for a tough time. Even with a good cardio base it won't be easy. Running and burpees is all cardio and if go full out you're going to be burning oxygen for energy pretty fast (hence the gasping for air). Wall balls take strength, and flexibility. If you don't have good mobility (common when you start out) you're going to be less efficient on those as well.

    Over the next 8 weeks you'll get better at all of this. But, no matter how good you are, if you choose to push yourself (safely) the WODs are going to suck. Stealing a quote from a book I read...."it never gets easier, it just sucks less" :wink: and you'll celebrate every time you get better at something, hit a new PR, or master a movement that has alluded you.
  • kcerrillo
    kcerrillo Posts: 103 Member
    That benchmark has a lot going on, and if you don't have a good cardio base you're in for a tough time. Even with a good cardio base it won't be easy. Running and burpees is all cardio and if go full out you're going to be burning oxygen for energy pretty fast (hence the gasping for air). Wall balls take strength, and flexibility. If you don't have good mobility (common when you start out) you're going to be less efficient on those as well.

    Over the next 8 weeks you'll get better at all of this. But, no matter how good you are, if you choose to push yourself (safely) the WODs are going to sucat thk. Stealing a quote from a book I read...."it never gets easier, it just sucks less" :wink: and you'll celebrate every time you get better at something, hit a new PR, or master a movement that has

    You r awsome thank u! It's the running I struggle with n I suck at burpies too but I did notice I'm lifting heavier and able to do a mot pushup where thr other day I did 60! Ibalso lost 3.2lbs this week. Just gotta look at positives
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    kcerrillo wrote: »
    Yay I had a great workout today. Thank u guys so much for ur support! I gotta see what I'm doing better at inside where I need to improve and get down on it. Killed the WOD today. U guys rock!

    So glad to see you had a better workout today! I know just the place where you were coming from with the benchmark WOD. They're definitely designed to be a challenge. When I stated CF I was 210# and couldn't do a push-up let alone run any real distance or lift any type of significant weight. Almost two years (and lot's of struggling and lot's of finishing last) I lost 70 LB's, and can do countless things I never dreamed I could possibly do. Keep sticking with it, focus on your own progress and not how others are doing and you'll be amazed at how much you improve in a short amount of time :smile:
  • kcerrillo
    kcerrillo Posts: 103 Member
    kcerrillo wrote: »
    Yay I had a great workout today. Thank u guys so much for ur support! I gotta see what I'm doing better at inside where I need to improve and get down on it. Killed the WOD today. U guys rock!

    So glad to see you had a better workout today! I know just the place where you were coming from with the benchmark WOD. They're definitely designed to be a challenge. When I stated CF I was 210# and couldn't do a push-up let alone run any real distance or lift any type of significant weight. Almost two years (and lot's of struggling and lot's of finishing last) I lost 70 LB's, and can do countless things I never dreamed I could possibly do. Keep sticking with it, focus on your own progress and not how others are doing and you'll be amazed at how much you improve in a short amount of time :smile:

    I needed that so much! 5hank u
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    If it was easy, it would not be worth doing.