Sweating it out in the Tropics!


I've done it once with MFP (close to 54lbs) but then I moved to the tropics with work. And put nearly 14lbs of it back on.....too much deep-fried, curry loveliness. I love food and I found I got the weight off by exercising hard (turned out I loved it) and moderating what I eat.

Now I live somewhere where there is 90% humidity, high temperatures, it's unsafe to go out (largely) where I live by myself and certainly as a women in lycra, the socializing is very alcohol/food-based, and every time I have found a gym class they have finished when the trainer moves overseas for "better opportunities".

So I need to give myself a kick up the bum and pull myself together - but I'm struggling. The obvious answer is to eat less, but I love food, I love the food here, and I miss the exercise - which is much for my mental health as physical health.

So a bit of a moan, and a bit of stern-talking to for myself and a bit of a plea for top tips to anyone else living in an environment which isn't conducive to doing what you love; going out in the fresh air and having a run. I miss it!

Good luck on all your journeys people.