Hello .... Here I am ... again :-)

Silysausage Posts: 5 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all, I have been losing weight since January last year, I was doing my own thing for a while, just cutting back and lost about 3 stone, then started doing slimming world online and lost another 2, but I need to lose another stone and Im well and truly stuck, so am now trying calorie counting - I am a serial yo-yo dieter, and have in the past lost 6 stone, only to put it back on, not once, twice or even three times, the longest I have managed to maintain weight loss is a year. This time round though I have stopped beating myself up, if I treat, I treat, I draw a line and move on and that's making a difference, before if I cheated that was it for a day, a week, a month a year !!! I would welcome any and all friends, I have a massive appetite and I do find the restriction of calorie counting hard (especially given that I use a lot of calories on tea!) but I was finding with slimming world that with only 7lb - 14lb to lose I was not losing any because I could eat as much of what I was allowed as I liked and I was struggling with portion control. At the moment I am liking the rigidity of the calorie counting, I've been up and down within half a stone since Christmas, so now my son's 18th is out the way this weekend I really, really want to lose the last bit before end of June, because I am fed up of not going anywhere fast, and I have also stopped allowing myself to treat at the weekend (which is an excuse for an all out binge fest, restricting all week to binge at the weekend, you know that viscous old circle) - now if I want chocolate I can have it every day as long as it is within my calories, I am hoping that this will stop me bingeing at the weekends, this is not a 5 day diet, it's a 7 day lifestyle ... I no longer give myself permission to have the weekends off (well not all the time anyway) you heard it here first :-) ... I'd love to connect with people in the same sort of boat. Especially those desperately trying to lose the last 7-14 pounds ...

I refuse to exercise lol (apart from walking), but I have just ordered a hula hoop - because I think I will enjoy that and I can do it in the comfort of my own home

I am 49 (nearly) mum of one boy, well, young man who just turned 18 :-)

I am not new to MFP, been here before, but well, here we go again, still positive ....


  • Silysausage
    Silysausage Posts: 5 Member
    PS I refuse to exercise lol (apart from walking), but I have just ordered a hula hoop - because I think I will enjoy that and I can do it in the comfort of my own home
  • 10jcah17
    10jcah17 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! You sound just liKe me! This time I'm serious about it. My older daughter has been a huge support person because she's trying to eat healthy. I'd love to be able to reach my goal by June or close to it because we're heading to England to visit my husband's family. I'm not a fan of exercise.....walking if I can get to it and have started yoga with a friend once a week.

    I'd love a little bit of help!