Cardio vs strength training as short girl



  • foxygirl14
    foxygirl14 Posts: 158 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    LISS cardio doesn't make me hungry. HIIT does. Lifting does too. Do what you want to do.

    How'd you get a 1000 calorie goal, btw?

    I used this calculator: which told me I needed 955 calories to lose 1 lb a week (without eating back calories from exercise).
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    How much do you need or want to lose? Losing a lb. per week is quite a bit.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    foxygirl14 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    LISS cardio doesn't make me hungry. HIIT does. Lifting does too. Do what you want to do.

    How'd you get a 1000 calorie goal, btw?

    I used this calculator: which told me I needed 955 calories to lose 1 lb a week (without eating back calories from exercise).

    So you're 109 pounds? Why are you trying to lose weight rather than doing a recomp?

    cal.png 20.2K
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Yes, that's what I was wondering also because in order for that calculator to give such a low calorie goal you have to be small to start with.
  • Nikki10129
    Nikki10129 Posts: 292 Member
    1 lb a week is very aggressive for some who is a) short and b) not extremely overweight to start off with. As a 5' 20 year old girl, I'm netting about 1400 calories a day and losing at a decent pace. It's a marathon, not a sprint, there's no need to rush yourself when it comes to weight loss.

    As for your question, I recommend finding a balance between both that you enjoy and can see yourself doing long term. When it comes to exercise, it's not really the what you do that matters, but the what you can see yourself doing long term, as long as its something.
  • ShodanPrime
    ShodanPrime Posts: 226 Member
    109 pounds? You don't need to put on weight. You likely need to gain.
  • annherrin
    annherrin Posts: 35 Member
    I am 5'4" and 120lbs. I do strength training and there is no way I would give it up for cardio. PLUS, putting on more muscle, means you get a higher calorie allowance, since muscle weighs more than fat! Right now, my allowance is around 1200. Once I stop cutting it will be around 1500. I only lift heavy, I don't do cardio.

    Same here. I'm 5'0 and I eat around 1500. I don't do cardio and I lift heavy.
  • theWODdoll
    theWODdoll Posts: 90 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I do both. I've gained 10 pounds in muscle but I'm the same size I was before
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,950 Member
    Everybody needs both to be healthy.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited April 2016
    Where in world did you find a short girls article or news that short girls need to strength train because cardio makes a shorter person hungrier?

    That is non sense and just to note, all exercise activities cause a person to be hungrier when eating at a deficit in the beginning. Everyone has to find there energy balance while eating at a deficit to loose weight and the amount of ANY exercise they do..

    Exercise for your health, first and foremost. Use the calorie deficit (eating less) to loose weight.

    What did MFP give you to eat to loose weight? I have seen some of those off the wall calculators (heck one on will give me way too little calories to maintain and loose weight than I eat now.. MFP will not let me loose 2 pounds a week or even 1 pound a week due to my height. It is the bare min 1200 and that is loose ounces a week.

    955 calories makes me hungry just seeing that number.
  • ShapingTheLaw
    ShapingTheLaw Posts: 65 Member
    The older you get the more important it is to lift weights because you lose lots of muscle each year especially if you are over 35. But it also depends on your goals and what you want to look like. I lost over 40 lbs when I started I did both cardio and lifted. But now that I'm at a comfortable weight (maintenance), I lift more than I do cardio because the more cardio I do, the more muscle I lose. I would rather be buff than skinny-fat. As for your calorie intake, I had someone here freak out that my calorie intake was set at 1200. The older AND shorter you are the less calories your body needs. I wish I could eat like I did in my 20s but I can't. That is life.Good luck with your goals.