This is me!

I've been on this journey for a good 5 years now.

I've had success but more recently failure.

I find this journey is easier and more enjoyable with friends.

But I have some promises to make.

I WILL screw up! I am going to fall off the wagon .... ALOT. I may disappear at times. I am going to have bad days. I WILL binge eat from time to time and I will take days off. I will NOT exercise everyday.

But while all that is true, I WILL find success. I will ALWAYS get back on the wagon! I will never not find my way back! For every bad day I will have more good days! I will treat every day as a new chance to get it right. And I will earn my days off by working harder on my good days.

I will motivate you to be the best that you can be. I will check in on you to see how your journey is going. And when you have a bad day I will be understanding and sympathetic while pushing you to start fresh the next day.

If you want to be my friend feel free to add me!