Losing weight without running



  • nicolecouch478
    nicolecouch478 Posts: 10 Member
    Early morning cardio on an empty stomach of any type is best! You are making your body use your stored energy and jump starting your metabolism!

    I wish I could but I am diabetic
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    CrabNebula wrote: »
    Most effective way to lose weight it to eat less.

    Don't run if you don't like it, but you could consider other forms of cardio or maybe lifting for general fitness reasons.

    Ok I love walking ....I am just making sure I can still lose weight by just walking and eating right

    I was actually losing weight faster when I was walking only than when I added running. I run for mental health, but think it has limited impact on my weight loss progress. It can in some people make them hungrier and more likely to overeat. For me sometimes I think I am less active the rest of the day if I am tired from running. Or think I earned to eat something. Or think I earned to sit on my butt all weekend.

    Really, what you eat is key. You don't have to do any sort of calorie burning exercise. But walking is great for health. The key to weight loss is keeping calories in control.
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    Not true at all. I lost most of my weight by just walking. Just find something you love to keep active. For me, it was Netflix on the treadmill. But don't totally dismiss C25K. You might be surprised how addictive challenging yourself physically can be once you experience some success.

    Last summer I did C25K after losing about 70 pounds - but only because I wanted to see if I could run an entire mile for the first time in my life. I promised myself I could quit if I didn't like running after I accomplished my goal. Turns out I do like running. Went from running "only when chased" to running 24 miles FOR FUN last week :)
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    25 + lbs gone from sticking to my calories and walking. It works but I do find myself about once a week slipping in a few running steps.

    I haven't seriously run for about 7 years but hey back then I ran regularly and did 2 1/2 marathons and 1 full one.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Running has nothing to do with losing weight. I could run 10km a day and still gain fat if I wanted to. Same with how I can lift weights everyday and lose weight. Weight gain and loss is 100% calories. Exercise does help with weight loss by creating a deficit if you want to be able to eat more daily, other than that though. It's really just for creating a healthier body.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited April 2016
    @nicolecouch478 To help you on this Life Style Change may I suggest some good reads.
    Within most of the Message Boards you will see some Announcement Posts.
    As an example If you go into the Getting Started Message Board you will see an " Announcement Post " that is closed. Within this post is a link to a collection to great posts that have been an inspiration and guide for so many.

    You can apply this concept of announcement posts to all message boards.
    One of my favorite is a great compilation from different Message Boards called Most Important posts to Read

    Don't forget to check out the Hello Healthy as there is lots of good information in there also.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Well this is very helpful ......I did it for 4 weeks and then I got the flu so I had to stop and never finished

    I'd agree with the points upthread about not running if you don't enjoy it, equally I'd say that if you've only used four weeks of C25K then you're probably not well placed to determine whether you do enjoy it or not.

    As with any activities you need to give it a fair crack. Lots of people drop out of C25K at the end of week 4 as that's when it gets hard psychologically.
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    On the flip side, I used to run a lot but didn't lose any weight because I wasn't paying any attention to my diet and was over-eating (having second helpings because I felt like I'd 'earned it').
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Just eat less
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    You do not need to run to lose weight. Period. End of story.

    Run if you want to. Don't run if you don't want to.

  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    edited April 2016
    So I have a friend who tells me for my weight the best way and most effective way for me to lose weight is to run.....he encouraged me to do the couch to 5k......I hate running .....any advice?

    Running for 3 miles is ~300 cals. It's much easier to just not eat those 300 cals, ie, skip a snack.

    Run if you want to run. I think it's great, and I love doing it. You might too, and maybe, give the C25K a try.
  • JoshuaMcAllister
    JoshuaMcAllister Posts: 500 Member
    edited April 2016
    Don't do it.

    If you hate it, you won't stick with it. Find something you enjoy doing and do that instead.

    Everyone hates running to begin with, after a few month you soon fall in love.

    But yeah eat less, move more. There is no reason to do something you really dislike, work out your numbers and eat at a deficit, you'll soon loose weight just going about your daily business.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    Don't do it.

    If you hate it, you won't stick with it. Find something you enjoy doing and do that instead.

    Everyone hates running to begin with, after a few month you soon fall in love.

    But yeah eat less, move more. There is no reason to do something you really dislike, work out your numbers and eat at a deficit, you'll soon loose weight just going about your daily business.

    This is really important to know as well. I fought through the first few weeks of the C25K, because I wanted to be able to run a 5K.

    Now? I'm daily running 5-6 miles, and loving it.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    For most people with no existing medical issues, to lose weight all you need is to consume less calories than you burn.

    I hate running too. I lost over 100# through diet alone before I began to even walk more. Anything that you can do, and like doing, will be beneficial to your health. I found that I really like walking/hiking and the elliptical.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You can lose weight without exercising at all, it's all down to energy balance ie consume less than you expend.

    Having said that exercising is good for your body and your soul, it's just a matter of finding something you enjoy (I hated running at first, well I hated looking like a fat idiot shuffling down the sidewalk gasp for breath at first now I love it.....but it's not for everyone) Exercising regularly also improves your odds off keeping weight off in the long term too, even though you can't out run a bad diet.....
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    So I have a friend who tells me for my weight the best way and most effective way for me to lose weight is to run.....he encouraged me to do the couch to 5k......I hate running .....any advice?

    Running for 3 miles is ~300 cals. It's much easier to just not eat those 300 cals, ie, skip a snack.

    Run if you want to run. I think it's great, and I love doing it. You might too, and maybe, give the C25K a try.

    For you? Maybe. For me I burn about 400kcal running for an hour. That's quite a difference unfortunately.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    So I have a friend who tells me for my weight the best way and most effective way for me to lose weight is to run.....he encouraged me to do the couch to 5k......I hate running .....any advice?

    Running for 3 miles is ~300 cals. It's much easier to just not eat those 300 cals, ie, skip a snack.

    Run if you want to run. I think it's great, and I love doing it. You might too, and maybe, give the C25K a try.

    For you? Maybe. For me I burn about 400kcal running for an hour. That's quite a difference unfortunately.

    That's why I said,"About"...

    120lb 87 – 92 Calories
    160lb 116 – 122 Calories
    200lb 145 – 153 Calories
    250lb 181 – 191 Calories
    300lb 218 – 230 Calories

    Source: http://www.bmrcalculator.org/how-many-calories-do-you-burn-running-a-mile/

    Me? I burn ~270 cals in 25 minutes (3.1 miles). Please note, I stated distance, not time.

    regardless, the point is still made: It's easier to just forgo a snack than running to lose weight. There's a reason the saying,"You can't outrun your fork" came about.
  • Theresa_1973
    Theresa_1973 Posts: 51 Member
    If you don't want to run - don't run... I lost 164 in 24 months and I refuse to run lol xXx
  • wonko221
    wonko221 Posts: 292 Member
    edited April 2016
    yirara wrote: »
    So I have a friend who tells me for my weight the best way and most effective way for me to lose weight is to run.....he encouraged me to do the couch to 5k......I hate running .....any advice?

    Running for 3 miles is ~300 cals. It's much easier to just not eat those 300 cals, ie, skip a snack.

    Run if you want to run. I think it's great, and I love doing it. You might too, and maybe, give the C25K a try.

    For you? Maybe. For me I burn about 400kcal running for an hour. That's quite a difference unfortunately.

    That's why I said,"About"...

    120lb 87 – 92 Calories
    160lb 116 – 122 Calories
    200lb 145 – 153 Calories
    250lb 181 – 191 Calories
    300lb 218 – 230 Calories

    Source: http://www.bmrcalculator.org/how-many-calories-do-you-burn-running-a-mile/

    Me? I burn ~270 cals in 25 minutes (3.1 miles). Please note, I stated distance, not time.

    regardless, the point is still made: It's easier to just forgo a snack than running to lose weight. There's a reason the saying,"You can't outrun your fork" came about.

    It's easier to forgo a snack, indeed!

    It's also easy, if you haven't developed a good understanding of nutrition and exercise, to "reward" yourself for exercise by eating way more calories than you burned. My morning run is estimated by MapMyFitness at 500 calories burned (probably an overestimate). That's one donut, to undo all my effort running.

    I suspect this sort of thing is what has lead some people to become good runners without actually losing weight - they increase their appetites, and eat accordingly, without every quite realizing the weight loss is 90% in the kitchen.

    I am careful not to use food rewards anymore at all; that encourages a bad relationship with food. If i indulge in a treat, it's because i want to and i can work it into my calories; not because i've been "good."
  • Jelenajelenajelenajelena
    I had someone tell me something similar a few months back and I actually did START doing the couch to 5k app (and I only did it twice) before I remembered how much I HATED running. Now I do everything BUT. I ride my bike, do kickboxing videos, go to the gym and do the machines maybe 3 times a week- and most importantly eat in a deficit and I'm now 2 months later, I'm 10lbs lighter than I was before, working my way down from 150 to my ultimate goal of 125. So I think I'm doing ok. :) and you will do great too, regardless of what you decide to do for your excersize!