Live or Die? I decide!

For me fitness is a choice of life or death . I have chosen not to wait for a diagnosis of illness to make a change. I know the sentence for poor health is death! I have been on this journey for almost 2 years now. I have had many successes but to be honest with myself I have not treated my fitness as a life or death situation. If I trully believe my life is at risk what am I willing to spend on healthy food? How many hours am I willing to workout? How many donuts am I willing to pass up ? How many bland meals am I willing to eat?

Here are my new commtiments for my new journey:

Make my diet and health a priority.
2 hours of exercise 5 days per week (Temporarily until I reach the size I want)
5 chapters per week on my ACE Fitness certification
Drink 120 ounces of water per day
Keep my workout schedule flexible so that I don't use time as an excuse
If I cheat don't beat myself up but don't throw in the towel either. (i.e. Oh well I already cheated so I might as well eat the whole bag)
Surround myself with positive people that will push beyond my limitations
Use the shape of my body and overall health as metric vs. only weight on the scale
I will add to this as I grow. This won't be easy, but no one ever said it would be.I know fitness is not life or death for everyone but there is someone reading this post who can relate to my situation. What are you willing to do to save your life?