A Reintroduction!

Hello ALL!

This is my re-introduction to go along with my re-committment to lose weight and keep it all off! My name is Lauren, and I have about 45 more lbs to lose. About two years ago, I lost all of my hair due to Alopecia Areata. I've had it since I was 5, but only patchy spots. This time, after my daughter was born, I lost every bit of body hair due to Alopecia Universalis. My self esteem took a nose dive and depression set in. I looked at a photo of myself, and I couldn't believe how much weight I had gained. I was at 220 lbs or so.

I worked really hard to lose almost 50 lbs, and over the last four months I've put 20 lbs back on. I'm recommitting to lose that 20 lbs again, plus about 20 more! I also blog daily on my website: www.lululandadventures.blogspot.com. I try to keep track of my weight loss goals there, as well as my life goals.

I love how this site has built in accountability. I hope to take the weight off + more and keep it off for life now!


  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    Welcome Back...!:smile: You're correct when you state that this site has built in Accountability..:happy: ArmyAntzzz at your service... Add me for added support:wink::wink:
  • JBV321
    JBV321 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello and welcome, Lauren! You have the right attitude to begin your healthy lifestyle. I wish you much success and happiness!
