Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred

I am curious to know about why this program is so popular. Have many people lost weight through this program? What are the benefits of it, and how long do you do it (after 30 days, what can you do?) I am interested in possibly trying this out in the future.


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    it is popular b/c it is very affordable ( 10 bucks) and effective and short! it is only 30 min max and that is with warm up and cool down. I did it 3 times, then did her ripped in 30 and 6 week 6 pack. i like her 3,2,1 system. 3 min strength, 2 min cardio and 1 min abs. i never lost weight doing it but i did lose inches. I never had amazing results like so many other, but i did get results each time! you do the program 5-6 days a week for 30 days. when it's done you can do what ever you want, re do it or change it up, etc...
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    I hate her voice and I hated the program LOL but it did kick start me into fitness that I now take very seriously. It did work. it annoyed the crap out of me every step of the way but it did work. I believe I lost 15lbs. it was very early on in my weight loss journey ( which was 80lbs in just under two years ) so I'm not positive how much I lost. It was enough that I finally saw what I was capable of and promptly joined a gym after finishing the program.