Newbie here!

Any tips or tricks that you'd like to share? I am new to myfitnesspal and would love to learn more.
What are the must knows?


  • GNRfan
    GNRfan Posts: 56 Member
    I've been on and off of this website for almost 5 years now and I think the two key things (judging by my mistakes, hence why I'm back here again!) are:

    Consistency - Log everything. Every day. No excuses. If you go over your allowance, you go over. No biggie, just do better tomorrow and don't let one bad day discourage you. You will get into the habit of logging everything that passes your lips and it'll almost become second nature.

    Patience - Do not weigh yourself every day. Don't even weigh yourself every week if you can help it. The numbers on the scale are not an accurate representation of your progress and small losses can be really discouraging. Remember that weight loss takes time.

    However, do take measurements as these are a better representation of your progress, and also take pictures! No matter how bad your before pictures look, they'll make your after pictures look even better when you get there! Before pictures also serve as an amazing encouragement - if you ever feel like you're about to give up on calorie counting then look back at them and notice either a) how much you don't want to be that person any more, or b) how far you've come.

    Feel free to add me :smile:
  • trdaniels2016
    trdaniels2016 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much!! This is so helpful and I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
    Thanks for the reminder to take measurements and pictures. I need to do that...TONIGHT!