30 LBS to lose, help !!!



  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited April 2016
    I am one inch shorter than you, and I agree with others the 1200 is not enough. However, if you are not using a scale, you are probably eating more than you think. There is no alternative to a scale in accuracy.

    However, you are ~30lbs from goal so you should be looking at 1lb a week, and .5lb a week very shortly at about 20lbs to go. You may think you are doing yourself good by losing quickly, but it's a good way to get the dreaded skinny fat because muscle loss is accelerated, especially when proper protein is not achieved. Patience is key. I would reevaluate goals.
  • AmandaJuneFit
    AmandaJuneFit Posts: 134 Member
    What do you mean by reevalute my goals ???
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    What do you mean by reevalute my goals ???

    Reevaluate your expectations of weight loss. Your calorie goal is not good for your height, if your intake is accurate. It very well could not be without a food scale. Bump up calories for the sake of maintaining muscle. And definitely grab a cheap food scale.

  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    vespiquenn wrote: »
    What do you mean by reevalute my goals ???

    Reevaluate your expectations of weight loss. Your calorie goal is not good for your height, if your intake is accurate. It very well could not be without a food scale. Bump up calories for the sake of maintaining muscle. And definitely grab a cheap food scale.

    Agreed. By understanding you need to be more patient is a good thing, so you already have that. :smiley:
  • kbatman777
    kbatman777 Posts: 20 Member
    I don't want to sound weird, but you look unbelievable at your current weight in your picture. However, if you are wanting to lose more, keep at it and good luck :)
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    edited April 2016
    I do not weigh my food , i don't have a food scale.... what else could i use ??? I put on the weight over a stretch of 2 years. I only started to loose weight in February and since then im down 25 pounds which maybe isn't that fast.

    Depending on what shipping is to your area, definitely get a digital food scale....worth the investment. Or check out your local kitchen stores. They stock this stuff like they do utensils. its also just so much easier to weigh than it is to use measuring cups. this can give you very accurate calories. If you are overeating or undereating. Not much else you can do till you get an accurate picture. No sense in beating yourself against a wall till this is done. ;)