anyone hypothyroid and doing ketogenic diet??

fital2015 Posts: 6 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
I have tried them all -- high protein low carb and lifting calories up slowly with the theory that I ruined by metabolism by not eating enough - didn't work. Now been 1 month on ketosis diet and liking it fine, feeling great BUT no weight loss at all. Was easy to get into ketosis state too but no results yet. Grrr.. would love to hear from anyone who is taking thyroxine and doing keto diet....


  • Jozzmenia
    Jozzmenia Posts: 252 Member
    that sounds unhealthy. I feel your pain though. I feel like I ruined my metabolism from low carbing to lose weight but trying to be patient doing things the right way now
  • BettyLawlz
    BettyLawlz Posts: 13 Member
    I have thyroid issuues and just started keto, but have been low carb for about a month. I think keto eating is complicated in that if you eat the wrong kinds of fat or too much dairy, you may not see results. How are you testing if you're in ketosis?