clean eating? Anybody do tosca reno's plan?

I just started today, I did cooler 3 last month off and on and now ready to go full steam ahead. Love some buddies to motivate and support and ideas.


  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm not following a specific plan, but I do try to eat mostly unprocessed, whole foods. I probably succeed 80-90% of the time. I have Tosca Reno's cookbook and I've used it a lot.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    I was JUST reading my Clean eating book today!! :-) I am all up for a clean eating buddy! I may need to start with cooler 1 as I want to get a jump start....

    How have you been doing? What are your goals?
  • melodieRN
    melodieRN Posts: 49
    I'd love a clean eats buddy. I'm actually doing cooler 2, cooler 1 was too restrictive for me since it does not allow dairy. After day one down over 4 lbs. Just water i know but weight is weight. My goals is to lose at least 50 short term and total of 85 longterm. I plan on exercising at least 4 days a week, just joined a health club near home. We have a cruise planned in march so love to be semi normal and feel more comfortable in less clothes. Check out her cookbooks on clean eating, awesome recipes.