8 Weeks to lose a stone?

I go on holiday in 8 Weeks and would love to lose a stone. I'm currently a size 12 and would like to feel good on holiday.

Help please!?


  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    A stone is 14 pounds right? So that's an almost 2 pound/week loss. It's a goal to aim for, but realistically a half stone in that period is more likely, I think.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    It is doable, it is a bit less than 2lbs per week. But is 14lbs really the difference between you feeling good about yourself and not feeling good about yourself? I suspect not. Follow the calorie goals MFP sets for you and you will lose weight. It may not be 14 lbs in 8 weeks (or it may, I don't know), but you'll be losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way and you'll definitely be feeling good about yourself in 8 weeks regardless of the number on the scale!
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    It's doable if you've not yoyoed or are young but it's restrictive plus if you revert to old habits after your holiday you'll gain back it plus more
    It's a holiday & don't push yourself to reach a magic number just stick to 1lbs a week your not overweight so it'll show & you'll feel better :)
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    It could be doable but as you're only a size 12 it could take longer than 8 weeks... I crash dieted for 4 weeks on 1200cals and lost nearly a stone, but I was 15stone at the time.. that could be the difference. I bet you could definitely hit half stone like others have said on here though.. and that's half a dress size for me!
  • fabulousmo
    fabulousmo Posts: 41 Member
    I've just about done this!

    I'm down 13.5 pounds in 60 odd days. 1200 calories a day and hitting the gym and 64 ounces of water a day and at least 8 hours of sleep at night and eating back calories burned off at the gym. You can do it!

    I'm 44 years old with hypothyroidism and in perimenopause. If I can do it, you can, too!

    Be brutally honest about logging those calories. Don't eat anything that you can't log (there is a recipe calculator on spark people for home cooking). I've avoided alcohol because I'd rather "spend" the extra calories in my day on ice cream or pop corn.

    Good luck!