Great Salads with Spinach

Nattitude77 Posts: 40 Member
So I am working hard and sticking to salads for lunch but I like to have a nice big salad and I only like having Spinach other lettuces I don't find as filling this is my newest sweet salad:

Spinach - Raw, 3 cup 21 3 0 3 0 71 Ico_delete
Strawberries - Raw, 2 medium (1-1/4" dia) 8 2 0 0 1 0 Ico_delete
Blueberries - Raw, 0.25 cup 21 5 0 0 4 0 Ico_delete
Raspberries - Raw, 0.25 cup 16 4 0 0 1 0 Ico_delete
Nordica - Fat Free Cottage Cheese, 1/2 cup (125 g) 100 8 0 16 6 290 Ico_delete
Generic Cooked - Quinoa, 50 g 60 11 1 2 0 7 Ico_delete
Rhubarb - Stewed - Stewed Rhubarb With Sugar, 0.25 cup cooked 27 0 0 0 0 0 Ico_delete

Its only 253 Calories and then I will have a yogurt a little while after and some cherries when they are in season.

I am looking to see if anyone has any salty salad ideas. I have had a restaurant a peanut dressing which was sooo yummy but I can't find it in stores. I don't like meats in my salad unless its bacon so that's a no......any ideas out there??