Advice on the eating and training regime

Hi guys,

I'd like to ask for advice from the more experienced folks.

I'm 174 cm tall (5 ft 9 in). I've been trying to lose weight since August 2015, starting at 94 kg (207 lbs). It was more or less up-and-down until January, when I finally decided to be more serious about it and starting logging all food in and exercising 5-6 times per week. Now I have 81 kg (179 lbs) and been losing around 0.5 kg (1 lb) per week since January.

I'd like to ask for a small "review" of my new habits - I'm ok with the weight loss speed, but want to prevent some "plateaus" and other scary beasts of weight loss. I prefer asking upfront than fixing later :smile:

Please correct me if I'm doing anything wrong:
  • I have 7440 kJ target (~1780 calories), which I most of the days exceed when I exercise. E.g. when I do 30 min running and 90 min martial arts training that day, I eat as much as 2400 calories.
  • Sometimes (like once per week or two) I exceed it even above the exercise (eating & drinking out etc.).
  • I try to get as much protein as possible naturally. I aim for 100g of protein daily - sometimes I get 70, sometimes 130. I don't specifically limit fats nor carbs.
  • I eat everything, including occasional sweets or cured meat. However I don't like those so much and love vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy, so I eat tons of those rather than "bad foods".
  • I eat breakfast every day. When I don't have it, I'm very hungry by the time I get to work.
  • I drink a lot of water and green tea (3-4 liters daily). I also drink alcohol ~once per week, but started to limit it because I feel I can't stand as much as before losing some weight and I feel sick after it :neutral:
  • I exercise 5-6 days in a week. I alternate running with circuit training (calisthenics) in the mornings, both taking around 30 minutes. Twice per week I also have 90 minutes martial arts training (if krav maga can be called martial arts :smiley: ). I walk dog every day for 30 minutes at least in a leisured pace, some days (esp. weekends) we take hours long walks.
  • Every day I take a herb-iron syrup, pill of magnesium, calcium, zinc and D-vitamin. I started with those maybe half a year ago because I felt extremely exhausted after some weekend krav maga seminars and I had low blood iron according to blood tests. Last month I had a break from pills and this month starting taking them again. I feel good, not particularly tired if I get enough sleep.
  • I try to get 7 hours of sleep every night and more (9-10) on weekends. When I sleep to little, I'm tired and grumpy whole week until the weekend when I sleep it off.

Please let me know your thoughts. What can I improve or change completely to achieve good health and keep losing weight steadily? I also want to build some strength and stamina - I tend to be the weakest link on my krav maga trainings and don't want to keep this trend.



  • charlenelynch
    charlenelynch Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, from what I read you seem to be a fairly active individual. I'll lend you some advice and tweaks:

    If you want to lose weight figure out your BMR first. Those are the calories you need to function on a daily basis. Example: mine is at 1450 and when I train 5 - 6 times a week it goes up to 2300 - 2600 if I chose to maintain.

    My golden rule is to burn at least 500 with exercise and create a 200 - 500 caloric deficit - up to 1000 calories a day could be knocked off. When I exercise I burn on average 500 - 600 and I eat 1500 - 1600. This deficit of mine (rounds up to) about 1000 calories torched. This allows me to shed weight. ( 1.5 lbs - 2lbs per week )

    I lift heavy and combine it with HIIT. I train for 90 - 120 min three days a week intense, and three days 45 min light cardio with 30min intense calisthenics. I aim for intensity rather duration but some days I do both.

    I went from 210 - 135 in 10 months. I'm taking a break right now and simply maintaining. I'll start up again next week to lose my last 10lbs. Good luck!!!

    P.S diet is 80% of the battle - I would recommend you review your intake. But I'm no health specialist, perhaps you could make an app. with one?