A diet plan help please!

So I've never had to diet before until after I had my son. I'm not happy with my body. So I'm wondering what is a good diet plan along with a good work out? What do some of you guys do to avoid cravings of Sugar?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited April 2016
    A good diet plan is one you will follow. The best diet plan is one you make yourself. Same with exercise - it will only work if you do it. Anything that makes you eat less and move more will work.

    No matter what, to avoid cravings, make sure you are eating a well rounded diet (enough calories, food you like, and food from every food group every day, special emphasis on enough protein, fat, fiber), drink enough water, and get enough sleep. Then you have to find out if you are a moderator or an abstainer. Do cravings get stronger or weaker when you go cold turkey? That will give you a clue if you should avoid or incorporate sweet treats into your daily diet.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Check our this podcast on a discussion of flexible dieting vs restrictive diets. It has some excellent points to consider when establishing a weight loss nutritional protocol. It's certainly worth the time to listen.


    As for workouts, you'll want something that combines fast-paced resistance training with intense cardio (intervals preferably). Personally, I'm a big fan of at-home workout programs because they fit my schedule great, they lay out what to so (which is super helpful if you're not experienced in designing workouts), and help you keep a fast pace going.
  • missmatch76
    missmatch76 Posts: 17 Member
    I've based my diet around things I like that I know are good for me and have took up running. I am currently working through an app called 'couch to 5K'. I love the sweet stuff so I just eat it in moderation. I find something like a plain biscuit (or cookie I guess if you're USA) is sweet but low in calories. I saw a great post on here with lots of chocolate recipes made with quark and cocoa powder!