Getting started with Strength training at home need some tips

Balaru Posts: 203 Member
Currently in between jobs so I will need to get creative with this. I do have 1, 2 and 5 pound dumb bells and a chin up bar. My goal is to be able to do pull ups. I have NEVER in my life been able to do one. It always bugged me in high school during P.E. that I was not able to do that. I had the opposite problem back then (too skinny).

Anyway I am looking for some ways to get the strength training done at home.

Just finishing my first week and most of my exercise time has been cardio - walks or bike. Adding Yoga this morning.

I lost 30 pounds in six months a couple of years ago when I had a gym membership and was doing Zumba, Spin, a weight class and Yoga and working full time. I have dvds for everything but the weight class.

I want to do the weights because they really gave me definition, especially in my arms.

Any tips you can pass my way would be awesome!
