Three times a Charm!

CathyOleary Posts: 4 Member
edited December 1 in Introduce Yourself
I discovered MyFitnessPal in 2012 and had very good success with it. Upon achieving my weight loss goal I discontinued tracking my food/exercise with MFP. Two years later I was using MFP again, I regained every ounce I had lost. So I was back to square one but I knew I would lose the weight again by being diligent with the enteries on MFP - and I was- and I again reached my weight loss goal. This time I continued tracking my calories/exercise and kept the weight off. As time went on I got lax with the tracking and only entered the food and exercise a couple of days a week and on weekend, then I found myself only tracking on the weekends and eventually stopped tracking altogether.
Well, here I am 4 years later and 12 pounds heavier. I just began using MFP again and am determined to get the weight off and KEEP it off . I was foolish to think I could maintain my weight loss on my own. This time it WILL be different for me because, I know from experience and making the same mistake twice that the only way to keep the weigh off is by accounting for what you eat and exercising. With that being said, it's obvious tome that I must make using MyFitnessPal app part of my daily routine- just like showering or brushing teeth.
There is no secret formula or magical mystery to the successful results from using MyFitnessPal. It is simply keeping within your calorie consumption by tracking what you eat. It's not a diet, it's a lifesytle change.
I share my story with you in hopes that you don't waste your time by making the same mistake I did (twice) and encourage you to use MyFitnessPal espicially after you've reched your weight loss goal.
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