Was expecting more

So when I started this journey about a month ago I weighed 225, after about 2 1/2 weeks in I weighed 219 today though I weighed in at 212 it seems that all my hard work and painfully sore muscles and aching back and shoulders that feel like I've got a huge weight on em hasn't paid off like I was hoping. I'm staying under 2000 calories a day and exercising 3 times a day (except for today I had alot of housework to do) I'm burning like 500,600, to 700 calories so I don't understand should I be burning like a 1000 or more

Feeling BUMMED


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Good job, you are losing at a quick pace. Keep it up and don't be so hard on yourself. This journey is more of a marathon than a sprint!
  • kansascutie81
    kansascutie81 Posts: 53 Member
    I just wonder if I am suppose to be burning more calories. I would have to shift things around to fit more exercise into my day but honestly the pain I'm in right now feels like I've been exercising all day. So do I need to be burning more calories?
  • MelissaLimeKiwi
    MelissaLimeKiwi Posts: 121 Member
    Think ahead- if you lost 10-13 pounds each month for the next several months, how close would you be to your goal? Every pound adds up to progress- be proud of what you've lost and keep doing the same thing- it's working.
  • kansascutie81
    kansascutie81 Posts: 53 Member
    It all feels like bloat weight and I can't stop going pee (gross I know...sorry) I have to force myself to eat at least 1200 calories a day cause I don't want to starve myself but it's honestly hurting my belly
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I just wonder if I am suppose to be burning more calories. I would have to shift things around to fit more exercise into my day but honestly the pain I'm in right now feels like I've been exercising all day. So do I need to be burning more calories?

    #1 - my biggest suggestion would be to do the amount of exercise you can maintain after you hit goal weight. Killing yourself with exercise to lose weight can backfire when you reach maintenance and then need to make up for it when your activity level drops.

    #2 - again, you can't expect to lose 3lbs a week unless you are extremely overweight. Like extremely. You aren't. 2 lbs a week is great progress at your weight.

    So no, you don't need to be burning more calories.

    Oh and #3

    Huge amounts of exercise can lead to burnout and/or injury. keep your activity level at one you can continue and maintain.
  • kansascutie81
    kansascutie81 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks everyone. My husband is shocked by my progress and says I should be proud of what I've accomplished ( I should be too) but I have friends and family telling me I should be going hard or go home....guess I'm trying to prove something. When I exercise I only do like 10, 20 or 30 minutes at a time
  • kansascutie81
    kansascutie81 Posts: 53 Member
    Have any of you dealt with like bloating or constipation since you started weight loss journey cause I'm having a hard time (sorry about the pun)
  • mrsnone
    mrsnone Posts: 4 Member
    It all feels like bloat weight and I can't stop going pee (gross I know...sorry) I have to force myself to eat at least 1200 calories a day cause I don't want to starve myself but it's honestly hurting my belly

    Have you been tested for intestinal problems? My daughter has celiac disease.. an allergy to gluten. That can cause bloating and belly pains if you are sensitive to gluten (wheat, barley, rye).
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Have any of you dealt with like bloating or constipation since you started weight loss journey cause I'm having a hard time (sorry about the pun)

    If you have been severly restricting calories, people often cut way back on fat. Fat is essential to keep things moving. Upping protein can cause problems.

    I'd look at fiber intake and fat intake.
  • kansascutie81
    kansascutie81 Posts: 53 Member
    No I have not been testing for any thing like that and the only things I'm trying to cut out is refined sugar and carbs and of course calories I don't really eat low fat but I don't over indulge in it either
  • angpowers
    angpowers Posts: 83 Member

    I'm a KS girl too!! Just temporarily in TN :)

    Your gut issues several things. Sounds like you have radically changed a lot of things in your life:
    - diet (both in calories & the foods you are consuming)
    - exercise
    - maybe even the amount of fluids you are drinking??

    All these things are a jolt to your system. Doesn't mean they are bad, but first thing, be careful of the family and friends you listen too. Sometimes many do not have your best interest at heart.

    Secondly, like mentioned above, make sure you aren't getting too many of one macro vs another. Good sources of filling fibers (fruits, veggies), hydration and exercise helps keep things in check.

    But I too want to encourage you to make sure you are taking rest days. If your daily caloric allowance is already at a deficient, you will still lose with or without exercise. If you don't rest, your body (including your gut) will be stressed and wound tight.
  • nacus2664
    nacus2664 Posts: 17 Member
    You are doing great, don't drink too much water 8 cups a day is good, if I drink too much water I get acid reflux. As for exercise I generally do about 45 minutes on a stationary bike and I usually go for many walks, I have a boxer at home and she is hyper I have no choice. As for losing weight, 2lbs a week is a maximum, because the slower the better so it is harder then to gain back when you have reached maintenance, and if you lose too much too soon you will regain your weight and plus some. I personally think for your weight 1200 calories is a bit low, I would go more for 1500 calories, if your body thinks you are starving it will be harder to lose weight, just a suggestion. Don't give up you will get there, and people that are saying you are not pushing yourself enough forget about them losing weight shouldn't hurt, and if you are feeling down come here to get some nice deserving encouragement. Good luck into your diet journey, Oh I have about 40 lbs to lose myself.
  • kansascutie81
    kansascutie81 Posts: 53 Member

    I'm a KS girl too!! Just temporarily in TN :)

    Your gut issues several things. Sounds like you have radically changed a lot of things in your life:
    - diet (both in calories & the foods you are consuming)
    - exercise
    - maybe even the amount of fluids you are drinking??

    All these things are a jolt to your system. Doesn't mean they are bad, but first thing, be careful of the family and friends you listen too. Sometimes many do not have your best interest at heart.

    Secondly, like mentioned above, make sure you aren't getting too many of one macro vs another. Good sources of filling fibers (fruits, veggies), hydration and exercise helps keep things in check.

    But I too want to encourage you to make sure you are taking rest days. If your daily caloric allowance is already at a deficient, you will still lose with or without exercise. If you don't rest, your body (including your gut) will be stressed and wound tight.

    So as long as I don't over eat the alloted calorie goal I will still lose weight? I try not to push for longer workouts but instead do frequent 10, 20 or 30 minute workouts through out the day. I can't walk in my neighborhood it isn't safe for a woman to walk alone even during the day. So I have a stationary bike I hit at home plus I have two ab machines and resistance bands. I really don't wanna get burned out on exercise cause I may end up growing tired of it and just stop therefore losing all I have accomplished. And for me to give up all and I mean all junk food and sodas and chips even my favorite food....PIZZA I need this to work cause otherwise it's all for nothing. I'm so glad you guys are here helping and pushing me, I don't have a very good self esteem