Gains or bust

semperno Posts: 2 Member
Hello. I posted my intro in the other thread but I'm day and a quick bit of information is that I battled anorexia for the past few years going from 80 to 137 now!

My goal is to continue to gain weight and to start working out. If possible I'd love advice to keep gaining the healthiest way and some workouts to start out with.

I'm 21, 5'10, male, I'm a teacher so slightly active, weigh 137, can't drink milk sadly :/, and I have tons of motivation. Thanks in advance! You're all awesome.


  • 883xlsportster
    883xlsportster Posts: 221 Member
    There a few stickies on the boards that may answer some questions.

    Also a slew of programs you can google too. To name a few.

    Starting Strength
    Strong Lifts
    New Rules of Lifting for Men/Women
    All Pro's
    Strong Curves

    I started with a simple Push,Legs,Pull,Rest & Repeat routine 4 months ago. As for milk. I drink almond milk. Became lactose intolerant a few years ago. Prefer unsweetened.
    All the best on your Gains & Happy Health.
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