Anybody doing/has done CHALEAN EXTREME ?

Hi guys,

I know there is a group for these things but I find the visibility is lacking since the changes.
Anyway, I am at the end of week 3 of Chalean Extreme (Burn Phase) and would LOVE to chat to some others past/present/future followers.

It is my first strength training program, as I have always been a cardio girl. But I am now finding a whole other Universe and have a few questions...

I am also a fan of TurboFire, Cize, and OUTSIDE !
(DOn't worry, I am NOT a Beachbody Coach)

WOuld also love some more like-minded friends to crisscrossmotivate !


  • louise13dunstan
    louise13dunstan Posts: 74 Member
    I've done the chalean extreme, was really good. Even got a set of bowflex!!
    Done virtually all the beachbody stuff including body combat,turbo fire, All of Shaun t and Tony Horton workouts and I currently have 1 week left of hammer and chisel which has been my fave program with the most results
  • vjrozmia
    vjrozmia Posts: 18 Member
    I'm at the end of the 6th week right now, 2 weeks into the Push phase. It's also the first strength training I've done. I'm not sure what I'll do when I finish it. I might do the program again and continue to increase my weights.
  • TheMojoMissy
    TheMojoMissy Posts: 18 Member
    I'm starting it tomorrow. Feel free to add me!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    WOW @synacious !!!
    That is awesome work !!!
    Very inspiring.
    Did you stay on a clarie deficit the whole time ?

    Friend request sent !

    Awesome ! I am just 3 weeks behind you.
    How are you liking the Push pahse compared to the Burn Phase ?
    Did you need to purchase more weigths ?

    I was wondering about Bow Flex
    How do you like them ?
    I have a PowerBlock ranging from 3-24 pounds.
    I am thiking I will be needing more weigths pretty soon and wondering what to choose.
    Hammer and Chisel looks real good too but it requires more equipment that I just don't have room for right now. Or did you modify these purchases ? Is it possible to ?
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    I think I've done it three times now. I love it. I just started Body Beast yesterday so will see how they compare. (Love TurboFire, too!)
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Nice !
    I'd love to hear your thoughts when comparing the two :smile:
  • louise13dunstan
    louise13dunstan Posts: 74 Member

    I was wondering about Bow Flex
    How do you like them ?
    I have a PowerBlock ranging from 3-24 pounds.
    I am thiking I will be needing more weigths pretty soon and wondering what to choose.
    Hammer and Chisel looks real good too but it requires more equipment that I just don't have room for right now. Or did you modify these purchases ? Is it possible to ?

    The bowflex are awesome! So easy to use and have taken my workouts to such a higher level.

    Hammer and chisel is the best workout program I've ever done. To be fair it looks like u need alot of equipment but it's dead easy actually. I stead of a bench they show u a modification for things like step ups. Plus for bench weights u can use a stability ball. Instead of a chin up u can use a resistant band.
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Thank you for that. I went on the site that showed diffrent options of equipment like you said.
    Very very tempting.
    I might just order it to do it after CLX. :smile:

    Also I think I may know the answer to this but feels like I need confirmation for you who know what you are talking about as I am a beginner in strength training
    Reminder :smile:
    43 y/o, 5'5''
    SW (Jan.12th 2016) 225
    CW 195
    GW 140? 150 ? Don't know.

    So since starting CLX on March28th i have only lost 1.5 pounds
    When I was on cardio only (2.5 months) I lost around 28 pounds.
    Now, that being said, I was warned that the scale is not a good indicator of weight loss when strength training.
    Muscle versus fat debate...
    I did take mesurements on March 28th to be able to mesure progress during CLX and I will mesure again in 1 week to see the progress after one month phase.
    1.5 pounds ?
    Really ?

    Any thoughts ?

    I keep telling myself "Trust the process" "Keep doing what you're doing" and get your focus off the d**** scale !

    Right ?
  • laurenisfitforlife
    laurenisfitforlife Posts: 71 Member
    Hello, just starting Chalean Extreme! Burn phase, day 1! I loved it. I run two days a week and need to add some strength in my life! Love that there are so many positive reviews!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Yay !
    I just sent you a friend request...

    Starting Puch Phase tonight !
    Woo Hooooo !!
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    I've done it once and plan on starting it again later this summer, along with C25K. I've also done Body Beast. Love them both!
  • flowergypsy79
    flowergypsy79 Posts: 48 Member
    edited April 2016
    I just completed the burn phase and I'm about to go into push. I was actually thinking about repeating burn to try and keep the scale going down. I have lost during the burn phase but I feel like I could have used heavier weights. It sounds like KrystinaMTL and I both have the same concern but the scale going down. I'm not sure if it will make that much of a difference which phase I'm doing as long as I maintain my calorie deficit, but I am worried about increasing my weights. I love the look and feel of having muscles and I want to build them, but I'm more focused on losing weight until my vacation next month. I've made specific weight loss goals and I really want to hit them before my vacation. Anyone who's completed in the past have thoughts on that?

    Feel free to add me. I'm always looking for more support buddies.
  • Cathy927
    Cathy927 Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2016
    Following this post - full disclosure I am a Beachbody Coach - however not here to sell anything!
    I"m a BB Coach because I love their programs!
    I fell off the wagon and I'm back on with Tony Horton's 22 Minute Hard Corps workout - next either Chalene Extreme or Hammer & Chisel.
    @Synacious - I am at 135 and want to lose weight. I know I'm building muscles but the weight is a whole other story. Could it be my macronutrients. I'm always within my calorie range, so can't figure it out. I admit - weekends a couple of glasses of wine do kick in. Could that be it? I can't seem to lose my pouch? :(
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Thank you for that. I went on the site that showed diffrent options of equipment like you said.
    Very very tempting.
    I might just order it to do it after CLX. :smile:

    Also I think I may know the answer to this but feels like I need confirmation for you who know what you are talking about as I am a beginner in strength training
    Reminder :smile:
    43 y/o, 5'5''
    SW (Jan.12th 2016) 225
    CW 195
    GW 140? 150 ? Don't know.

    So since starting CLX on March28th i have only lost 1.5 pounds
    When I was on cardio only (2.5 months) I lost around 28 pounds.
    Now, that being said, I was warned that the scale is not a good indicator of weight loss when strength training.
    Muscle versus fat debate...
    I did take mesurements on March 28th to be able to mesure progress during CLX and I will mesure again in 1 week to see the progress after one month phase.
    1.5 pounds ?
    Really ?

    Any thoughts ?

    I keep telling myself "Trust the process" "Keep doing what you're doing" and get your focus off the d**** scale !

    Right ?

    Weight loss comes down to your calories.
    For some people. lifting weights makes them subconsciously hungrier and they eat a little more of everything without even realizing it, so if you aren't carefully monitoring your portion size, that could do it.
    It's also possible your cardio workouts were burning more calories that the weight workouts. I find when I'm doing CLX and focusing on weight loss, I have to add in a little more cardio or at least increase my daily steps.
    And if you already lost 28 lbs (congrats!) your rate of loss will slow down as you get closer to your goal. 28 lbs in 2.5 months is actually pretty fast, so you were bound to slow down regardless.

    To be honest, I have never lost much weight doing CLX, I just look better and feel stronger afterwards :)

    Good luck and enjoy!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    I am not in a position to give advice of this matter but I can only share my experience. I just lost 4 pounds in the month of Burn Phase (also startin Push Phase tonight) but lost a lot in inches ! Just measured this morning.
    IMO I rather be smaller than weigh less (I mean let's be honeest here, of course i wanna weigh less lol) But I mean if I had to chose.
    Anyway that's why I am keeping on with Push...
    Thanks for the friend request !Accepted :smiley:
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Thank you for that !

    I agree.
    You make a lot of sense
    I am training for a half-marathon in september so I will be doing Push Circuits1-2-3 on alternate days and cross it with my "outside jogging program". This seems balanced to me. Strength and Cardio and yes, calories calories calories.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Thank you for that !

    I agree.
    You make a lot of sense
    I am training for a half-marathon in september so I will be doing Push Circuits1-2-3 on alternate days and cross it with my "outside jogging program". This seems balanced to me. Strength and Cardio and yes, calories calories calories.

    Sounds like a plan :). I agree it's all about balance and finding the right balance for you!

    I follow Chalene around social media like a puppy dog (I have all her programs plus her book) and I'm always shocked when she talks about how CLX was basically a failure for her - not because of the workout, but it didn't sell well compared to her other programs. She blames it on the way it was promoted, but I've always assumed part of it is women being afraid of weights. I did my part - I bought a second set of DVDs in case I wear them out!
  • flowergypsy79
    flowergypsy79 Posts: 48 Member
    Cathy927 wrote: »
    Following this post - full disclosure I am a Beachbody Coach - however not here to sell anything!
    I"m a BB Coach because I love their programs!
    I fell off the wagon and I'm back on with Tony Horton's 22 Minute Hard Corps workout - next either Chalene Extreme or Hammer & Chisel.
    @Synacious - I am at 135 and want to lose weight. I know I'm building muscles but the weight is a whole other story. Could it be my macronutrients. I'm always within my calorie range, so can't figure it out. I admit - weekends a couple of glasses of wine do kick in. Could that be it? I can't seem to lose my pouch? :(

    Yes, macronutirnts!!! I just found a book called burn the fat feed the muscle by Tom venuto which talks about macronutrient ratios. Before this I've never been able to lose weight. I saw a dietitian for 6 months and counted all of my calories, I saw weight loss doctor and was on a prescription for several months, I've done low carb, the crazy diet where you eat only fat, vegan, fat free, you name it I've done it and I never lost anything. Looking at macronutrient ratios is the only thing that has ever worked! I have underlying health issues and was told that I had metabolic syndrome, that I wouldn't ever be able to lose anything, that I just needed to accept it.

    I've lost 13 pounds since March 13th. If I track my macros I lose weight. If I don't keep track of my macros I won't lose weight no matter how few calories I eat. I wish I had known this all these years ago. I also thought I couldn't lose if I drink any wine at all. But I had some last week and now I'm starting to think I might be able to incorporate a little wine here and there as long as my macros are generally in proportion.

    I hope this is helpful. I'm not affiliated with this book or know the author in any way, but it's seriously has changed my life!
  • Cathy927
    Cathy927 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you @flowergypsy79 I will definitely check out the book.
    I'm getting stronger my body has changed - back, arms, I see my waist getting smaller - but there should be a bigger difference in my weight loss with the amount of working out I do.