Can you really ANYTHING and lose weight (as long as it fits your daily allowance)?



  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,027 Member
    1. Yes. I still eat almost everything I ate before just smaller portions. I have cut back quite a bit on candy, but I still eat it just not as often. Candy is something I am more likely to eat when bored and I try hard to only eat when I am actually hungry. I also eat fast food about once per week and also eat out at non-fast food restaurants a couple of times a month. I eat carbs and use real sugar and full fat half and half in my coffee. Other than washing my fruit I don't eat clean. I eat processed food when it is more convenient for me. I don't consider any food junk, but I do try to eat more foods that will keep me full and benefit my body. But if there is something I really want I make room for it. If you want to eat it just make it fit in your calorie goal.

    2. I look at calories first and then protien. Protein is the hardest one for me to get. I just let the fat and carbs fill out however. I never seem to have trouble getting enough fats since I use mostly full fat products and love nuts and avocados. I do use 2% milk, but I think that is just a habit because that is what my mom always got.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    1 yes
    2 I pay attention to my protein intake mostly.
  • Cindy01Louisiana
    Cindy01Louisiana Posts: 302 Member
    edited April 2016
    Chiming in with YES! Anything. It's just a matter of making choices that work for me. I cannot tell you how many times I say to myself "I'd really like to eat that yummy 270 calorie cinnamon raisin bagel right now.......but then I'd have less calories for dinner -- and I really really want a yam with butter and brown sugar with my salmon!"

    Since I log all my food on MFP, all the macros and stats are right there, so I look at them because I am curious - but I don't watch, measure or obey any rules about them.
  • KittyInBoots
    KittyInBoots Posts: 226 Member
    Like everyelse, I also have to say YES YOU CAN! lol...The biggest reason I could never lose weight before was because I was convinced that you had to eat healthy things only to lose weight. Since joining here I have realized that I can eat anything and still lose, and I have lost over 30lbs doing so. I've eaten McDonalds, pizza, chips...and I have lost weight. I know eating healthier is better for you overall nutrient wise but seriously I mean if I had to give up all that yummy stuff, I couldn't do it. The main reason I have lost weight is the realization that I could eat everything as long as I stay under cal limit!

    For myself I do notice fat/salt/sugars but honestly I kinda ignore them...but that is just me. Some people may choose to watch their sodium or sugars due to health issues or personal choice. Calories is my main focus.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Yes! However, satiety can make a difference. A lot easier to stick with a restricted calorie meal plan that makes you feel full vs one that leaves you hungry.
  • flrancho
    flrancho Posts: 271 Member
    1. Yes, I lost all my weight and never gave up any food. I still ate pizza, cake, cookies, and burgers. Just left often and in smaller portions. That said, you could feasibly eat those things every meal and still loose weight as long as you don't go over your calories - not that doing so would be healthy.

    2. I always try to meet my macros; sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    leaj1984 wrote: »
    thanks everyone! I used to see a nutritionist who convinced me the only way to lose weight was by eating a plant based diet with a little protein, no grains (not even quinoa), no oatmeal (I had to make chia puddings instead in the morning) with 2 cheat meals (not days!) a week for sanity. Snacks were to be made up of flaxseed crackers & avocado, or 1 fruit. No protein bars, and she used to call granola "a crumbled cookie, which is a big no-no". :s This has messed with my mind so much, I can't even begin to tell you. Not to bash this lady, whose prescribed diet (or lifestyle) sounds healthy and lovely for those who can keep up with something like that, but I've a sweet tooth and a little bit of chocolate in the afternoon is all I ask for o:) Under her plan, I wasn't allowed even 2 squares of 72% dark choc. She said to save it for the cheat meals! Believe me, once the cheat meals came, I was hungry for a LOT more than just 2 squares of dark chocolate. Hello binge-eating pattern!

    Basically even though I have read over and over about the Calories in & Calories Out law of physics, there is still that little side of me that's like, "Come on, you can't lose weight by eating Nutella, or having pancakes for breakfast!"

    It's refreshing to hear from you all that it is indeed possible and it is REAL. I love hearing success stories and find it hugely motivating to read your answers.

    Btw when i say eating Nutella / pancakes for breakfast: I, of course, mean within the daily allowance and not the whole jar :) It's just that these are foods that I love so much and was deprived of them for so long (which led to binging on them during those 2 cheat meals a week), that I almost can't believe that it is POSSIBLE to lose weight without constantly feeling deprived and SAD!

    Thanks everyone :)

    I have to admit when I started back in 2013, I was dubious too at the thought of being able to eat "normal" food. I was soooo under the misconception that I'd have to eat like a rabbit and never have macaroni & cheese or cake and ice cream ever again. When I finally started peeling back the misinformation and reading the posts here on MFP from seasoned MFPers with great success, it was like a light bulb turning on and I never looked at weight loss the same again. 79 lbs and a baby later, I'm still going strong, I'm happy, I never feel deprived, and I'm still losing weight.

    You can do it. It really is that simple. Enjoy your chocolate. I have dessert ever night and it hasn't stopped me!
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Yes you can be healthy, you want to eat whole good foods. Fuel your body to work at it's best.
    I firmly believe a calorie is not just a calorie. Pick the best most nutrient full ones.
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    Yes you can eat whatever you want. I had PCOS at my highest weight and still ate whatever I felt like and still lost the weight at an expected rate. I'm not worrying about macros until I'm done losing.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    Yes you can be healthy, you want to eat whole good foods. Fuel your body to work at it's best.
    I firmly believe a calorie is not just a calorie. Pick the best most nutrient full ones.

    I agree with...
    Yes you can be healthy, you want to eat whole good foods. Fuel your body to work at it's best.
    But you do realise that a calorie is a unit of energy not a unit of nutrition? It really undermines your good message as it's just plain wrong so say a calorie isn't just a calorie.
  • Theresa_1973
    Theresa_1973 Posts: 51 Member
    Yes you can eat anything, but the more calorie dense (higher protein, healthy fats/oils and fibre content) the food has, the better, because it keeps you feeling fuller for longer...

    If you're going to fill your daily calorie allowance with chocolate, pizza, fizzy pop (soda), white bread, pasta and rice then you'll be full of sugar, which burns off quickly and creates a massive sugar high, followed very shortly by an equally massive sugar crash - leaving you craving more sugar and starch to get you through the rest of your day; if you fill your calorie allowance with whole grains, vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh meat and fish, plus a small helping of the above items you will feel fuller for longer, your body will burn off the calories slowly and you will get a much more balanced energy supply throughout the day - plus you won't wake up starving the next morning, or with what I call a sugar hangover (I had one of those on Saturday, after a 70th birthday bash and I'm still suffering slightly today - lesson learned)...

    Replacing white rice, white pasta, white bread with wholegrain versions is so much better for you as they contain Insoluble fibre, which can't be digested. It passes through your gut without being broken down and helps other foods move through your digestive system more easily, it also takes longer for you body to process, therefore keeping you fuller for longer.

    I haven't stopped eating the foods I love (I was 321lb - 145.6kg and I'm now 164.5lb - 74.6kg) but I have changed my portion sizes and the way in which I eat them; I make better choices and moderation is the key in my experience - I'm rarely inside my calorie allowance, but I choose calorie dense foods and therefore eat less frequently.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Another yes here. I gave up nothing but portion sizes. I really don't pay too much attention to my macros, but I do always have protein with breakfast as it makes me fuller longer. ( I am in maintenance now)