What is wrong? Macros? Medication? HELP

So I'm pretty discouraged because I've been SO good. This past week was my third week of being on a strict diet, and I added in the gym/T25 workouts four days as well. I've never been so on point with my diet/exercise regiment.

I only lost .4 lbs. And I'm pissed.

What am I doing wrong? Should I change my macros? Do you think its the anxiety/depression meds I'm on? Should I try to change those?

I set everything on here so I could lose 2 lb per week (and I've been eating less than that). I've also reduced my carb intake and upped my protein from how I would normally eat. If it's calories in vs calories out as everyone says it is, what gives?! What do I do?


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    You added some intense workouts. Your muscles are therefore holding water for the purpose of cushioning and repair. It is making it look like you lost only .4 lbs. No need to be pissed, it is 100% normal. Chill :)
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    are you weighing your food on a digital food scale? how tall are you, how many calories per day are you eating?
  • perfectionxforever
    perfectionxforever Posts: 35 Member
    So will I eventually see more drastic weight loss with time after my body gets used to the workouts?

    I'm 5'5" and weigh 185.2, I've been eating anywhere from 1,000-1,500 calories. Some days I work out. This past week I did four days in a row. And yes I've been measuring everything. Breakfast I'll have a Special K Egg flatbread. Before my workout a 45 cal piece of whole grain toast and tablespoon of peanut butter. After workout I have shakeology with almond milk and half a banana. Dinner is usually some type of grilled chicken and veggies. May add a healthy snack in there some times also.
  • perfectionxforever
    perfectionxforever Posts: 35 Member
    Let me add that I don't *look* like I'm 185. I was an athlete growing up and would consider myself "thick" lol I have muscles under an extra layer of fat, which I thought would help with weightloss since muscles burn more fat. Throughout college I was always 160-165. I gained 25 lb within the past two years.