Back on the right track.

mj4134 Posts: 10 Member
Man, who knew?
My name is Michael. Started mfp back around May last year, and weighed 225lbs. Lost 30lbs and felt and looked great, then got offered a job I could not refuse. I started working in August, working 60 hours a week. While the money was good, time wasn't. Who knew a desk job would be so stressful and tiring. This was my first full time desk job. Along with the stress and long hours came bad food choices & laziness. And it took time away from my wife and kids, i could not coach my son's team much less make a game. And went from 190 something to 246lbs in 6 months!!!! Yeah tell me about it. But I'm back on the right track and lost 10lbs, and this time I know what to do to keep it off!!! If you want to add me as a friend feel free, all my old friends are no longer active.