


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Did my first day and yes I had Somone give me a hard time but idc I liked running for some reason it was fun and that person giving me a hard time was well over 250lbs around 5ft 5 but any way c25k was great I had to stop the clock on walk to catch my breath before the 7th jog I finished around 18minutes per mile but I'll get better and I'm happy, so thanks guys

    Awesome! I'm in week 5 of C25K right now. I was self-conscious about people watching me and making comments about the chubby guy try to run. I found that C25K helped me get excited about improving and boost my confidence every time I was able to move on to the next week. They might seem like baby steps, but it's really fun to see your progress and to think about the hard work you've put in to get there. It's taken me 12 weeks to get to C25K week 5 but I'm also down 30 pounds since I started! I've also found that almost everybody I come across is supportive and not judgmental.

    Keep up the good work and don't throw in the towel! Don't worry if it takes longer than 8 weeks to complete the program either!

    Great job!! Keep it up.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    Just put your head phones in and viola comments and car honks no longer an issue! I see people of all sizes and speeds where I run and no one even really pays attention to anyone else.
  • 1triciakae
    1triciakae Posts: 41 Member
    I was very self conscious and still am a little. I used to go walking a lot on a trail by my house. But the little busy street walk to get there made me nervous. Just last year I weight 325 pounds and not once but twice someone yelled out their car window at me "Fat *kitten*" excuse the language. So yes I was a little self conscious. But now at 178 I feel a lot more comfortable. I run a lot on my treadmill but I like being outside but it is a lot more challenging. I am having a hard time pacing myself outside.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member

    Hate it.

    Running/sprinting is fun, but I can't/shouldn't do that much even when I really want to because chances are good my knees will hurt for a few days after. Maybe with more weight off.

    Jogging to me is the joint pounding of running but without the fun.

    If you do like it though do carry on.
  • TomZot
    TomZot Posts: 165 Member
    Dress appropriately for the weather and don't even worry about it. As another poster said, most people are so wrapped up doing their own thing they won't even notice.

    We all started somewhere.
  • JoshuaJarrett
    JoshuaJarrett Posts: 21 Member
    1triciakae wrote: »
    I was very self conscious and still am a little. I used to go walking a lot on a trail by my house. But the little busy street walk to get there made me nervous. Just last year I weight 325 pounds and not once but twice someone yelled out their car window at me "Fat *kitten*" excuse the language. So yes I was a little self conscious. But now at 178 I feel a lot more comfortable. I run a lot on my treadmill but I like being outside but it is a lot more challenging. I am having a hard time pacing myself outside.

    I'm starting similar to you 8 months ago I was 295ish now I'm hovering around 210 Benn wanting to jog for a while now but too scared so stuck with my stationary bike now I'm happier
  • JoshuaJarrett
    JoshuaJarrett Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks guys the coolest thing about myfitnesspal is the community,keep ya listed and feel free to add me.
  • Bluepegasus
    Bluepegasus Posts: 333 Member
    edited April 2016
    I took up running as a new years resolution 8 years ago. I was so self concious about it I only went out in the dark so no one could see me!

    Edit to add, over the years I have had people shout abuse at me, but with my headphones on I can't hear what they are saying so it doesn't affect me. Someone even went as far as stopping their car, I thought they were going to ask for directions so started taking my earphones out, but the way they sped of suggested that they were actually stopping to say something unpleasant, but they wasted their time and effort doing it because I didn't hear what they said!
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    not out jogging yet, still jogging infront of the ipad/tv, but will do when it gets warmer
  • mshelyla
    mshelyla Posts: 36 Member
    edited April 2016
    I just finished W1D3 of C25K and I find I'm a little more confident each time. I'm not focused on speeding up, I'm just focused on finishing, but I make it a little further each time and that's exciting to me and keeps me motivated.

    Edit to add, awesome job on starting! Keep it up. Feel free to add me if you want so we can try to keep each other motivated!
  • famousmel
    famousmel Posts: 149 Member
    Yes I was really self conscious when I started. Used to wear more clothes than I needed so I could cover up as much as possible. I consider myself a shy person in general, and I can't believe how soon that wore off. I no longer care. Most runners wave or smile at me like I'm one of them. The occasional thumbs up / high five can seem patronizing, but I know they mean well.

    I have to say I have a huge urge to high five everyone on the path I run on and have been thinking about doing it! I'm just so excited/thrilled I'm doing this (C25K Week 8)and want to cheer everyone else on who's going for it!! I never thought about it being condescending, but amusing and odd which is who I am. :)
    PS, I had a lady 'keep pace' with me the other day and she was walking, so if I can get over that embarrassment...
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    famousmel wrote: »
    Yes I was really self conscious when I started. Used to wear more clothes than I needed so I could cover up as much as possible. I consider myself a shy person in general, and I can't believe how soon that wore off. I no longer care. Most runners wave or smile at me like I'm one of them. The occasional thumbs up / high five can seem patronizing, but I know they mean well.

    I have to say I have a huge urge to high five everyone on the path I run on and have been thinking about doing it! I'm just so excited/thrilled I'm doing this (C25K Week 8)and want to cheer everyone else on who's going for it!! I never thought about it being condescending, but amusing and odd which is who I am. :)
    PS, I had a lady 'keep pace' with me the other day and she was walking, so if I can get over that embarrassment...

    I guess the high five / thumbs up feels like a "way to go, fata--!" that they wouldn't give to just ANY runner, so that's the part that bums me out. But it's not that bad. And yes walkers stress me out, because I am not a whole lot faster than them. Oftentimes I will be coming up behind a walker and they will speed up! Then I need to speed up EVEN MORE so that I'm not jogging in line with them for several minutes and so that the passing actually happens somewhat quickly. Then I am tired after passing them and am trying to recover while not slowing down so much they catch up with me again. Runners are way easier, they are all faster than me so I never catch up with anyone and everyone behind me can pass me pretty easily.

    On the headphones thing - have had the same experience a lot. People shouting things at me that I can't understand because the headphones are in. But I do get asked for directions all the time as well. But it is kind of amusing when people scream stuff and I'm like "meh, didn't hear ya buddy" and move on with my run.
  • gdyment
    gdyment Posts: 299 Member
    I'm on week 2 of C25K and am so self-conscious, I started going out at 5:00 a-freakin-m so no one would see me. Being it's still COLD here, I've given that up and now head to my community gym at off hours to hit the treadmill. I don't look at anyone, I put in my earbuds and focus on the timer.

    I hope someday I'll get over this nonsense, but there you go.

    I do hope you get over it. I've run many thousands of miles with many different slow and fast people and I can't think of anyone that mocked or made fun of someone else running. If I noticed you on the treadmill or a running path it would be along the lines of "now there's someone getting sht done, taking care of business". The only people that tend to be mocking/dicks are usually in a car or lounging on a park bench. F them.
  • blsnyder24
    blsnyder24 Posts: 5 Member
    I have run on and off for years and i've never cared much about what other people think (i'm definitely not athletic either) and i always try and think of a realistic but challenging goal for my run before I start and do my best to stick to it. I like the treadmill and watch netflix or something to occupy my mind. I'm not fast at all either and sometimes I feel crappy and cant handle the time or speed i want but you always have to remind yourself that ANY running is better than no running!!!!
  • JoshuaJarrett
    JoshuaJarrett Posts: 21 Member
    True taking a rest day sore as he'll haha
  • KathyApplebaum
    KathyApplebaum Posts: 188 Member
    I guess the high five / thumbs up feels like a "way to go, fata--!" that they wouldn't give to just ANY runner, so that's the part that bums me out.
    Please don't feel that way -- I'll give a wave or a smile to any runner that makes eye contact. We're all out there being healthy and enjoying life.

    I often run with a training group, and on one of our recent runs we did was around a lake, but the opposite direction from another large training group who were training for the same race. We clapped and cheered for every single one of them. But when we saw them on the other side of the lake, a number of them cheered US on, too -- it's infectious. :)

  • KimOrley
    KimOrley Posts: 27 Member
    I started C25K as my new year resolution this year and graduated in March. My first few weeks I was glad it was winter and dark because I was so self conscious. Now I go out in day-glo :smiley:
  • filovirus76
    filovirus76 Posts: 156 Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm in good shape and still get yelled at by drivers. It's probably the same people who write vulgarities on public toilet stalls.
  • Vladimirnapkin
    Vladimirnapkin Posts: 299 Member
    Don't be self-conscious! I've been running for years and run with a fast crowd, so to speak. (Men & women in the sub 3:00 marathon range, many Olympics trials qualifiers, etc) Almost every single one of these people (and I can only think of one outlier, actually ) has nothing but respect for other runners out there--no matter how slow they're going. Any time someone tries to apologize for how slow they're going, I always tell them they're lapping everyone who's sitting on the couch.
  • JoshuaJarrett
    JoshuaJarrett Posts: 21 Member
    Don't be self-conscious! I've been running for years and run with a fast crowd, so to speak. (Men & women in the sub 3:00 marathon range, many Olympics trials qualifiers, etc) Almost every single one of these people (and I can only think of one outlier, actually ) has nothing but respect for other runners out there--no matter how slow they're going. Any time someone tries to apologize for how slow they're going, I always tell them they're lapping everyone who's sitting on the couch.

    Wow man that's cool nice to know the running community is soo nice