Does whole wheat hinder my weight loss attempt?

I am morbidly obese weighing in at almost 500 pounds. I eat whole wheat bread, bagels, grits, whole wheat wraps, and oatmeal. Do all these hinder my weight loss attempt even if I eat my daily calorie limit. Which ones can I eat if I eat them in moderation? Also what do you mean by moderation when wanting to lose weight?


  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    edited April 2016
    Unless you have a medical reason, no. Wheat and other glutens do not impact your weight loss. Some people feel better gluten free, or low carb, some do not. Learn which foods give you a bigger bang for your buck (ie vegetables have generally lower calories so you can eat more, and they usually have fiber to help you feel full longer) that you enjoy eating, otherwise keep eating what you want, and make sure you're staying in your calorie deficit - aka moderation - you can't eat 10 bagels and stay in your calorie deficit most likely. So eat 1, and enjoy every moment of it. :smiley:
    I've lost weight and continued to eat bread and other carbs because that's what I like to eat.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Losing weight is mostly about the calories and a little about the exercise. And nothing about what kind of food.

    A person could lose weight eating only bread as long as they were eating at a calorie deficit. But they would feel like crap because need to include other foods as well.
    So no, eating bread, bagels, grits and those things will not slow your weight loss.
    These are my own little rules that have worked for me: eat what I like and eat what is convenient to get/prepare and eat enough protein and fat (carbs under or over do not matter).
    Moderation means eat required protein and fats. Fit in other things if you wish.

    Think of the calorie budget as a financial budget. If you can buy something frivolous, keep it within the budget.
  • angpowers
    angpowers Posts: 83 Member
    Unless you have a medical condition, you can eat any and all of these items.

    Some people have "trigger" foods though. Meaning, they can't just have a cup of grits, or if they do, it's gotta be loaded with butter, cheese, sugar (however you eat them). And again, you can have all of that too, but the goal is to have a reasonable calorie limit (don't make it too low starting out or you will struggle and may even fail), choose foods that fit in your designed calorie goal, hit your macros (protein, fats, carbs) and like you said, get moving. Even walking will burn the cals and is a great mood elvator and keeps you busy and mind off eating out of boredom.

    Moderation simply means, have a bagel. Just perhaps not multiple bagels. Pay attention to what you put on these bread/carby items as its often butter or peanut butter or cream cheese, and that racks up the cals. And honestly, nothing wrong with them, but measure out 1-2 tablespoons instead of slathering it on like so many of us are guilty of doing.

    Be kind with yourself and just try for one week to pay attention to how you eat and start tweaking from there.

    You will slowly see what foods make you want to binge eat on, that don't fill you up, that maybe aren't "worth the cals" etc. good luck! Ur in a good place. MFP is a great place to be. It works.

    You WILL lose the weight. Keep your motivation and remember you are stronger than staying how you are right now.

    Losing a loved one, living with an illness, divorce, working multiple jobs, having a disabled child or parent -- those things are hard -- losing weight is not in comparison ... It's something you CAN do, that YOU can change. Believe your strong enough. Because you are!!!
  • moto450
    moto450 Posts: 334 Member
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    Whole grains are good for you. Eat them and stay at your calorie allotment, you will lose. I sure did.
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    Shouldn't be a problem unless ure allergic to wheat
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

    And much respect for dealing with your situation ..moderation means eating what you want in appropriate portion sizes

    Eat at a calorie deficit, foods you love just eat less...force yourself to move more ..chair dancing, walking round your house, up your stairs, any movement will help ..even just getting up and sitting down again

    If you eat foods you love but less of them you will see the weight go, once that starts to happen you can start to look at the types of food you're eating to focus on those that you find most sating

    If you have a wheat intolerance you would know from digestive / fatigue symptoms post consumption
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    What in the heck is a "grit"? It doesn't sound edible!
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    What in the heck is a "grit"? It doesn't sound edible!

    Google tells me they are the US version of polenta.
    Though I suspect people who eat them might have a different opinion!
  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    pebble4321 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    What in the heck is a "grit"? It doesn't sound edible!

    Google tells me they are the US version of polenta.
    Though I suspect people who eat them might have a different opinion!

    That's a decent comparison. I prefer them like this
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    What in the heck is a "grit"? It doesn't sound edible!
    Shrimp works. Heaven!
    Grits are often featured at breakfast in the southern US. :) The last time I had them was at a restaurant that served them in a bowl with salt and butter. I ordered them with four pieces of bacon on the side.

    Sometimes they are served with cheese.
    Grits and pork chops are another favorite.
  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    edited April 2016
    As long as you're staying within your calorie parameters it doesn't matter what you eat to lose weight. There's nothing wrong with wheat, just fit it into your calories.
  • kimdawnhayden
    kimdawnhayden Posts: 298 Member
    Unless you have a problem with gluten you are fine. Actually the fiber in the whole wheat does wonderful things in sweeping things along if you know what I mean. I would combine a protein, a starch, your allotment of fat and add some veggies into each meal.
  • flrancho
    flrancho Posts: 271 Member
    Nope. I lost 130 pounds eating almost nothing but whole grains in terms of carbs.
  • silvilunazul
    silvilunazul Posts: 59 Member
    sympha01 wrote: »
    What can prevent weight loss?

    1. Setting a calorie target that is too high
    2. Not consistently tracking what you're eating each day, e.g. "back-of-the-envelope" guessing
    3. Insisting on guessing and eyeballing portion sizes
    4. Not following your plan consistently, including allowing yourself unrestricted "cheat days" on too frequent a basis

    Reducing your carb intake moderately will not magically change the formula for how your body metabolizes calories, but it can help you by
    1. Making it easier to feel full and satisfied at a lower calorie intake
    2. Improving your overall metabolic health, making you just feel better and stronger. Feeling sick and tired is a great way to end up giving in to despair and cravings.

    This. Also, many people overestimate their exercise calories and eat them back. That does hinder weight loss.
  • koreangurl
    koreangurl Posts: 59 Member
    No it will not. But for health reasons its better to eat whole wheat.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited April 2016
    koreangurl wrote: »
    No it will not. But for health reasons its better to eat whole wheat.

    why? I get plenty fibre from other sources, like berries

    there is actually very little difference between a wholewheat and a farmhouse white loaf

    now whole grain that might be different