I can't sleep

emmalene1984 Posts: 137 Member
Title says it all. Insomniac here. Grrr.


  • hb1775
    hb1775 Posts: 5 Member
    I can't sleep either.
  • ellenfleischman
    ellenfleischman Posts: 21 Member
    have u tried sleeping pills & a fitbit 2 track your sleep?
  • BrianM714
    BrianM714 Posts: 24 Member
    Feeling your pain! Sleepless in Se....er...Georgia.
  • hb1775
    hb1775 Posts: 5 Member
    Sleeping pills, but no Fitbit.
  • emmalene1984
    emmalene1984 Posts: 137 Member
    Sleeping pills work but I don't like to rely on them. I was really tired, then my housemate came home with her bf and turned on all the lights and started cooking etc and now I'm laying in bed wide awake! :(
  • hb1775
    hb1775 Posts: 5 Member
    That's no good for you. I've found that reading before bed helps me fall asleep.
  • seepersaud
    seepersaud Posts: 5,759 Member
    I'll be up a while, then I'll read to make myself sleepy.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    take 2 shots of whiskey. puts me right to sleep.
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 491 Member
    Try to focus on your breathing. Push everything else out of your mind and just focus on your breathing. That usually works for me.
  • lindz4324
    lindz4324 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been sleeping somewhat better
  • beachbodylinda16
    beachbodylinda16 Posts: 11 Member
    Insomnia stinks!
  • emmalene1984
    emmalene1984 Posts: 137 Member
    By cuddle buddy is on the other side of the world for work, wish he was here. Might have to resort to sleeping pills
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sprite + ZQuil = purp drank!!!

    Seriously, this knocks my *kitten* out fast. I always go a tad over the dosage cup they give you though.
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    I spend 1 - 3 nights per week totally unable to sleep. It's been that way for my whole life. The one upside is that the extra time allows me to pursue creative interests like writing.
  • MyFreakingNameIsScott
    MyFreakingNameIsScott Posts: 199 Member
    I sleep best on days I busted my tail working out. Throw in some ploys during commercial breaks. I love using my Polar to track my sleeping patterns. First thing I do when I wake up is synch my watch with the Flow app to see how much or how little sleep I got. Once or twice a year though, I can't fall asleep for anything. It's weird.
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    Neither can I
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Sleeping pills work but I don't like to rely on them. I was really tired, then my housemate came home with her bf and turned on all the lights and started cooking etc and now I'm laying in bed wide awake! :(

    I use Macks Ear Seals Ear Plugs


    If they don't block out your housemate, she's too noisy.