insanity abs after c-section how to modify?

just looking for suggestions from people more in the know than me.
I'm on day 5 insanity and am 7 weeks post partum from 2nd child which I had a planned C-section for.
I had a "high risk" pregnancy so was not working out etc for the last 6 months but still active in daily life, not totally couch potatoed.
Anyway, previous to this I've not been a fitness goddess by any standards but I was "healthy" I guess.
so I've got the all clear from the dr last week so started insanity to try to jump start my fitness and hopefully weight loss.
dvd's 1-4 whilst challenging I made it through. I have no problem pushing myself and sweating up a storm. this is EXACTLY the kind of program I was looking for, I wanted my butt kicked!! I want to get back to feeling like me again!!
anyway, today was the pure cardio and cardio abs day.
pure cardio yes kicked my butt but I lived. cardio abs? well I literally may as well have rolled around on the floor for 16 minutes!! I could feel that because my core is so week a lot of the moves were putting pressure on my lower back, I know from my pilates that this is because its compensating for lack of engagement/strength in my core. I was really trying but its really week.
I am going to start doing the blogilates program, prob starting with the beginner schedule to try to improve it slowly but just wondering if anyone had any suggestions of how to modify or make this routine more accessible. I really couldn't do much of it at all. feeling quite down about it because I really like the program, or at least feel like its what I was looking for and I;m really annoyed that I just couldn't do much of this dvd at all.


  • MarshaMole
    MarshaMole Posts: 142 Member
    I was told by my Dr after I had a tubal ligation with 4 incisions that I was NOT to do ab work for 6 months because that is how long it takes to heal. I was on month 5 and had pain in my belly button and when I told him it was painful he asked how long ago my surgery was and he said no more til 6 months is past. I waited and had no more problems.

    I also had 4 C-sections and if I were you I would ask the Dr before doing any more ab work.
  • brooke_young08
    So proud of you for trying to hang tough! Insanity is a killer!! Plenty of people who HAVE been working out regularly would have trouble with it. I would say, keep trying, rest when your body quits on you, modify the moves where you can, and amp it up when you are strong enough!
    As always, you know you can ask me ANY Insanity questions, and if I don't know the answer, I will get them for you :smooched: