now accepting male support friends. leaving my yelling meanass bf of two yrs who was against it

Before I requested women only bc I didn't want my bf to b jealous of me talking to men but he's really always yelling at me and I told him tonight to change bc I've learned from new friends on here that I deserve better than the man he's turned into, never was my physical type but was very good to me but he's changed n shows his anger always yelling at me n when I cried the other day he imitated me making fun n kicking me while I was down so I told him if I have to lose this weight to get a loving relationship I will as I'm dieting anyway but I'll get the relationship I deserve n know I'll lose the weight fast as I did it before n only blew back up due to a medication. So instead of telling me he'll change n reel his temper n now he voted for time apart n blames me for his bad behavior so I'll just due what I need to get the support group I need. So welcome to add me any gentlemen (ladies too) that want to swap support bc I sure need it!


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Wow your boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend(?) sounds like a manipulative A-hole. Definitely sounds like you need some time away from him. The rest of your life would be an ideal amount of time away from him lol. Anyway I'm sure that you'll be happier, and more successful with your weight loss without him stressing you out and bringing you down. Good luck!
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    By ditching the jealous, manipulative bf you instantly drop at least 160 lbs (I'm guessing, but you get it!)...I'd suggest not looking for another too soon, and take some time to make more female friends, and concentrate on you and your needs for awhile. Find yourself. xo
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    the thing is, is there a point to making your abusive boyfriend jealous? mightn't that cause you more problems than you already have?

    btw, i was a bit on the heavy side when i met the man i've spent the last 17 and a half years with, and we're totally in love, support each other in everything and have so much in common. being thinner won't guarantee you a loving relationship - when i was at my fittest and thinnest was when i lived with a serious ahole.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I came here after I had started my weight loss journey but MFP really put me on track. I don't think its okay to be married and hang out in these goofy "what would you do with the person above" chat areas. I also think its bad for your other to dictate who you add as friends or communicate with. Being that insecure is not healthy for any relationship. Here is my story:
    I lost my 50 pound beer gut that I have had for 30 plus years and a female friend request commented that I "was easy on the eyes" which I shared with her. The next day we were walking through the store buy new clothes for me and she spotted a wedding band and stuck it on my finger and proclaimed "it fits". I had lost my original wedding band thirty four years ago.