Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss

Hi guys and gals. I, like many others, have hypothyroidism and struggle with my weight. Those with a thyroid condition, other than sticking to your meds. what do you do to make weight loss easier?


  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    Working out helped me. I was a chronic dieter, and until I started working out, I was stuck. Make sure you drink plenty of water too. I ended up being taken off of my thyroid meds altogether. Best of luck to you.
  • vegmon15
    vegmon15 Posts: 1 Member
    It's a constant battle but I am successfully (slowly) losing weight by eating healthy and working out. I was steadily gaining weight until I started working out six days a week. 1hr to 1.5hours. A mix of STRENGTH, which I think is the most important, hiit, cardio and yoga. I try to eat gluten free as much as possible and plant based. Thyroid meds did nothing for me so I have been off for a year and a half now.
  • 100poundsx
    100poundsx Posts: 87 Member
    mommazach wrote: »
    Working out helped me. I was a chronic dieter, and until I started working out, I was stuck. Make sure you drink plenty of water too. I ended up being taken off of my thyroid meds altogether. Best of luck to you.
    Thank you! I am hitting the gym hard 4-5 days a week. Trying to give up diet soda and drink more water but it's haaaaaaard. Congrats on being taken off the meds!
  • 100poundsx
    100poundsx Posts: 87 Member
    vegmon15 wrote: »
    It's a constant battle but I am successfully (slowly) losing weight by eating healthy and working out. I was steadily gaining weight until I started working out six days a week. 1hr to 1.5hours. A mix of STRENGTH, which I think is the most important, hiit, cardio and yoga. I try to eat gluten free as much as possible and plant based. Thyroid meds did nothing for me so I have been off for a year and a half now.
    My meds don't make me feel any better but when I get off, my TSH gets too high and my Dr. isn't happy about it lol.

  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    100poundsx wrote: »
    Hi guys and gals. I, like many others, have hypothyroidism and struggle with my weight. Those with a thyroid condition, other than sticking to your meds. what do you do to make weight loss easier?

    I wear a Fitbit so I have a general idea of my TDEE. Due to inaccuracies and hypothyroidism I set my height in Fitbit and this site to 1 inch shorter. I eat more some days and less others and go by the weekly deficit in the nutrition tab (app). I plan meals I enjoy eating and pre log my week. I weigh 90% of what I eat in grams on a food scale. I exercise so that I can eat more and maintain muscle. Once I have meals I enjoy eating entered I save them in my foods/recipies "save meal" to make future logging easier. In order to prevent the dreaded water weight gain from carbs/sodium I eat less carbs and sodium on Fridays before getting on the scale Saturday morning. That's all I can think of at the moment.
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    edited April 2016
    Getting off your thyroid meds without your doc's okay first is a bad idea. If the meds aren't helping you, perhaps it is time for a change in dosage or brand? Some folks do just fine on Synthroid or its generics. Others do better on Armor throid (NDT).

    As for what has been helping me lose weight, I've been:
    Exercising 5 days/wk, using TDEE -10% for my daily calorie "allowance", switching out processed foods for more fruits and veggies and I've been weaning myself off of both artificial sweeteners (they cause me joint pain) and refined sugars.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    tbh, my meds usually help me with foggy brain an the like, sticking to my calorie deficit is what has helped me lose weight. Losing/gaining weight it doesn't impact me at all, but some people it does. I weigh my food and log it so I know exactly what I'm getting myself into as I go along.
    And agreed, thyroid meds shouldn't be something you go on/off of and just take yourself off, though I know an odd day does happen here and there. It can impact your overall health more to go on/off randomly.
  • orchidbutterflies
    orchidbutterflies Posts: 59 Member
    I lost approx 50lbs before I was on medication (after not being treated for 5+ years).
    I lost the weight because I started tracking and logging all my food. I also have PCOS and honestly, if I actually stick to my calories, I lose weight. I haven't noticed any difficulty losing when I am accurately weighing and logging my food. I'm down 120lbs & I don't go to the gym or do much more exercise than walking.
    I couldn't say if I would have issues or not if I wasn't on meds to normalize my levels though ^^
  • sixpackdads
    sixpackdads Posts: 3 Member
    I used to be not very consistant with the synthroid... I'd miss days here and there. Since the new year, I've been very consistant, not just with meds, but my eating as well. In regards to exercise, I do body weight exercises as well as I run. So far, I've seen great results.
  • 100poundsx
    100poundsx Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. I've not stopped taking my medicine but sometimes I do go more than a few days and forget it. My levels are okay, but I still feel not 100%. I have been logging like a mad lady and work out quite a bit. 11 pounds lost so far.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Heh...nothing. ;) Just keeping perspective! There are weeks when I only lose half a pound, weeks when I don't lose an ounce...weeks when I gain. This is with weighing everything, total accountability and working out daily but not eating back any of those calories, and my calculations set on sedentary.

    But I am seeing a *general* downward trend. I mean what's the alternative? Even staying the same for a week or two/not losing is better than gaining, gaining, gaining. We have to do what we have to do. :) A lot of life isn't fair. This one, we have to suck up. :)
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Oh, and yes, I'm medicated and in fact go for my 6-month testing this week (go every 6 months, IOW) - I just have to pick a day!
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    tiffkittyw wrote: »
    Due to inaccuracies and hypothyroidism I set my height in Fitbit and this site to 1 inch shorter.

    That is an excellent idea!
  • haviegirl
    haviegirl Posts: 230 Member
    I take my meds every morning with my coffee, and eat breakfast about an hour later. I log everything, and exercise daily (walk >5 miles, run, or weightlifting). I've lost over 28 pounds since December 21st. Being hypothyroid for the past 28 years is a non-issue as long as I take my medication as directed.
  • juliebowman4
    juliebowman4 Posts: 784 Member
    My meds are still being adjusted.....I see the doc today and anticipate he will raise my meds for the 2nd time.
    In the meantime, I have lost weight. It's not impossible.
    I log everything, after using a food scale to weigh most things. I stick to my daily calorie allowance, and I only eat back a portion of my exercise calories (no more than half). I try to choose quality calories (fish, veggies, beans, as opposed to cheese slices and frozen pizza.
    I wear a Fitbit, I walk almost daily 4-5k. I go to AquaFit a few times a week, I go to Bikram yoga 3-4 times a week. Today, I'm adding a daily 'beach body' work out. (I have NO illusions of having a beach body in 30 days, but the daily exercise can't be bad)
    It's a slow go.....but what else am I doing? It's not like it would be ok for me to throw my hands in the air and say "I've got Hashimotos.....so it's toooooo haaaaaard to lose weight".
    I'm just plugging along, trying not to worry about 'time'
  • Pawsforme
    Pawsforme Posts: 645 Member
    As others have said, you need to prioritize taking your medicine daily. Preferably very close to the same time each day. And take it correctly -- which is with water and at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything else. Also, there are some supplements you're supposed to avoid taking within a few hours of taking your medicine. One of those is calcium but I don't remember the others.

    Other than taking my medication I just do the usual stuff -- weigh and log all my food and exercise as much as possible. I can truthfully say, though, that I did those things before my diagnosis. After medication kicked in I started losing one to two pounds a week on the same calorie intake/exercise program I'd been on for months while I'd been slowly gaining. So I can attest to the fact that at least for me medication makes all the difference in the world.
  • XanManMom
    XanManMom Posts: 17 Member
    Having hypothyroidism and feeling tired, sluggish and in a fog all the time makes it had to do what is needed for long term weight loss. Most importantly take your meds on time, all the time! It will make you feel better and once you do Calories In > Calories Out is the way to go. After 10 years of struggling with the hypo/weight issue I am finally on a weight loss plan that works. MFP has been amazing for me. Good luck!