I'm getting paranoid



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Also you might want to hold off on weighing yourself. Usually for the first couple of weeks of a new workout you're going to see fluid retention for muscle repair, which will make the number on the scale go up temporarily. It's not fat, so there's no need to worry, but if it's going to be discouraging for you then it might be a good idea to wait awhile before you weigh.
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    Do you do any cardio? If not..don't get to upset if you don't see a change.

    her routine is running+walking+60 reps of side bends. her routine is ALL cardio

    more importantly, why do you think that's the solution?

    I'm not giving up. I'm keeping it up. This isn't ad diet but a new lifestyle.

    Then keep in mind that it can take 3-6 weeks to adjust to changes and that we can't tell you if you'll get results because it depends all on you and the effort/consistency you put into it. As Dav said, do it for a few weeks and then change up as needed. As you said, this is a lifestyle change and changes take time.

    Yeah I know and of course.

    Okay great. So..what was your question then?

    You already answered my question because you replied. Didn't you ?

    Well, you said you know so I was curious if perhaps you were actually wondering something else but didn't put it in the post. if you know what we've said and you are just going to do the workout....what exactly are you looking to get answers to?

    I was paranoid and so I was looking for answers from people. Is that a problem?

    And what answers are those? Really confused as to what answers you were looking for.

    If you read my thread then you should know. Playing stupid is stupid. I don't get why your trying to make a big deal. If you feel the need to start a problem with someone because your bored, then so it somewhere else. Thanks for your advice.
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    Also you might want to hold off on weighing yourself. Usually for the first couple of weeks of a new workout you're going to see fluid retention for muscle repair, which will make the number on the scale go up temporarily. It's not fat, so there's no need to worry, but if it's going to be discouraging for you then it might be a good idea to wait awhile before you weigh.

    Yeah I think I'll wait till two weeks. If I see a bad number I'm going to freak. Thanks for letting me know. :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP, you posted something of this note less than a week ago. You HAVE to be patient. No one, no one gets legit, long-lasting results in a short period of time.

    Distract yourself with other goals, like, "Okay, squatting with 5lb is super easy... let me try squatting with heavier and heavier things."
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Do you do any cardio? If not..don't get to upset if you don't see a change.

    her routine is running+walking+60 reps of side bends. her routine is ALL cardio

    more importantly, why do you think that's the solution?

    I'm not giving up. I'm keeping it up. This isn't ad diet but a new lifestyle.

    Then keep in mind that it can take 3-6 weeks to adjust to changes and that we can't tell you if you'll get results because it depends all on you and the effort/consistency you put into it. As Dav said, do it for a few weeks and then change up as needed. As you said, this is a lifestyle change and changes take time.

    Yeah I know and of course.

    Okay great. So..what was your question then?

    You already answered my question because you replied. Didn't you ?

    Well, you said you know so I was curious if perhaps you were actually wondering something else but didn't put it in the post. if you know what we've said and you are just going to do the workout....what exactly are you looking to get answers to?

    I was paranoid and so I was looking for answers from people. Is that a problem?

    And what answers are those? Really confused as to what answers you were looking for.

    If you read my thread then you should know. Playing stupid is stupid. I don't get why your trying to make a big deal. If you feel the need to start a problem with someone because your bored, then so it somewhere else. Thanks for your advice.

    Not starting a problem. Was asking what you were asking. I'm going to get griped at for trying to figure out what exactly you are wondering and try to answer your question? I figure you must be confused about something if you are posting a question but now I'm confused as to what you were trying to get out of this post.
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    OP, you posted something of this note less than a week ago. You HAVE to be patient. No one, no one gets legit, long-lasting results in a short period of time.

    Distract yourself with other goals, like, "Okay, squatting with 5lb is super easy... let me try squatting with heavier and heavier things."

    Yeah I keep telling myself to be patient. It sucks but I gotta keep reminding myself.. I don't have any other dumbbells nor can I buy new ones. The ones I have we're my sisters and she gave it to me.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You asked me and I answered your question. I'm no going to keep replying to you because of your stupidity.

    Wow. Thanks for the insult. :flowerforyou:
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    You asked me and I answered your question. I'm no going to keep replying to you because of your stupidity.

    Wow. Thanks for the insult. :flowerforyou:

    Your welcome,
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    You can probably find other heavy, and heavier things around the house, to use in place of the dumbbells.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    You asked me and I answered your question. I'm no going to keep replying to you because of your stupidity.

    Wow. Thanks for the insult. :flowerforyou:

    Your welcome,


  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    Do you do any cardio? If not..don't get to upset if you don't see a change.

    her routine is running+walking+60 reps of side bends. her routine is ALL cardio

    more importantly, why do you think that's the solution?

    I'm not giving up. I'm keeping it up. This isn't ad diet but a new lifestyle.

    Then keep in mind that it can take 3-6 weeks to adjust to changes and that we can't tell you if you'll get results because it depends all on you and the effort/consistency you put into it. As Dav said, do it for a few weeks and then change up as needed. As you said, this is a lifestyle change and changes take time.

    Yeah I know and of course.

    Okay great. So..what was your question then?

    You already answered my question because you replied. Didn't you ?

    Well, you said you know so I was curious if perhaps you were actually wondering something else but didn't put it in the post. if you know what we've said and you are just going to do the workout....what exactly are you looking to get answers to?

    I was paranoid and so I was looking for answers from people. Is that a problem?

    And what answers are those? Really confused as to what answers you were looking for.

    If you read my thread then you should know. Playing stupid is stupid. I don't get why your trying to make a big deal. If you feel the need to start a problem with someone because your bored, then so it somewhere else. Thanks for your advice.

    Not starting a problem. Was asking what you were asking. I'm going to get griped at for trying to figure out what exactly you are wondering and try to answer your question? I figure you must be confused about something if you are posting a question but now I'm confused as to what you were trying to get out of this post.

    You asked me and I answered your question. I'm no going to keep replying to you because of your stupidity.

    Joy is one of the kindest and most patient people on this site I know.
    So check your attitude because she is genuinely trying to help.

    You should go to the library and read some self help books and stop your obsession with your weight because its been one week and you are freaking out.

    Oh, you should walk there too btw

    Thanks for your words but I don't need self help books. I'm perfectly fine and I understand she was trying to help. I thanked her for her advice. Thanks anyways.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You asked me and I answered your question. I'm no going to keep replying to you because of your stupidity.

    Wow. Thanks for the insult. :flowerforyou:

    Your welcome,



  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Do you do any cardio? If not..don't get to upset if you don't see a change.

    her routine is running+walking+60 reps of side bends. her routine is ALL cardio

    more importantly, why do you think that's the solution?

    I'm not giving up. I'm keeping it up. This isn't ad diet but a new lifestyle.

    Then keep in mind that it can take 3-6 weeks to adjust to changes and that we can't tell you if you'll get results because it depends all on you and the effort/consistency you put into it. As Dav said, do it for a few weeks and then change up as needed. As you said, this is a lifestyle change and changes take time.

    Yeah I know and of course.

    Okay great. So..what was your question then?

    You already answered my question because you replied. Didn't you ?

    Well, you said you know so I was curious if perhaps you were actually wondering something else but didn't put it in the post. if you know what we've said and you are just going to do the workout....what exactly are you looking to get answers to?

    I was paranoid and so I was looking for answers from people. Is that a problem?

    And what answers are those? Really confused as to what answers you were looking for.

    If you read my thread then you should know. Playing stupid is stupid. I don't get why your trying to make a big deal. If you feel the need to start a problem with someone because your bored, then so it somewhere else. Thanks for your advice.

    Not starting a problem. Was asking what you were asking. I'm going to get griped at for trying to figure out what exactly you are wondering and try to answer your question? I figure you must be confused about something if you are posting a question but now I'm confused as to what you were trying to get out of this post.

    You asked me and I answered your question. I'm no going to keep replying to you because of your stupidity.

    Joy is one of the kindest and most patient people on this site I know.
    So check your attitude because she is genuinely trying to help.

    You should go to the library and read some self help books and stop your obsession with your weight because its been one week and you are freaking out.

    Oh, you should walk there too btw

    Thanks for your words but I don't need self help books. I'm perfectly fine and I understand she was trying to help. I thanked her for her advice. Thanks anyways.

  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    You asked me and I answered your question. I'm no going to keep replying to you because of your stupidity.

    Wow. Thanks for the insult. :flowerforyou:

    Your welcome,

    It's "you're" not "your".

    Thanks teacher.
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    Do you do any cardio? If not..don't get to upset if you don't see a change.

    her routine is running+walking+60 reps of side bends. her routine is ALL cardio

    more importantly, why do you think that's the solution?

    I'm not giving up. I'm keeping it up. This isn't ad diet but a new lifestyle.

    Then keep in mind that it can take 3-6 weeks to adjust to changes and that we can't tell you if you'll get results because it depends all on you and the effort/consistency you put into it. As Dav said, do it for a few weeks and then change up as needed. As you said, this is a lifestyle change and changes take time.

    Yeah I know and of course.

    Okay great. So..what was your question then?

    You already answered my question because you replied. Didn't you ?

    Well, you said you know so I was curious if perhaps you were actually wondering something else but didn't put it in the post. if you know what we've said and you are just going to do the workout....what exactly are you looking to get answers to?

    I was paranoid and so I was looking for answers from people. Is that a problem?

    And what answers are those? Really confused as to what answers you were looking for.

    If you read my thread then you should know. Playing stupid is stupid. I don't get why your trying to make a big deal. If you feel the need to start a problem with someone because your bored, then so it somewhere else. Thanks for your advice.

    Not starting a problem. Was asking what you were asking. I'm going to get griped at for trying to figure out what exactly you are wondering and try to answer your question? I figure you must be confused about something if you are posting a question but now I'm confused as to what you were trying to get out of this post.

    You asked me and I answered your question. I'm no going to keep replying to you because of your stupidity.

    Joy is one of the kindest and most patient people on this site I know.
    So check your attitude because she is genuinely trying to help.

    You should go to the library and read some self help books and stop your obsession with your weight because its been one week and you are freaking out.

    Oh, you should walk there too btw

    Thanks for your words but I don't need self help books. I'm perfectly fine and I understand she was trying to help. I thanked her for her advice. Thanks anyways.


    Snort? Is that suppose to be like an insult? Lol your funny. Stop.
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125

    I can say what I want and I'm not talking. I'm typing.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Up the 5 pound dumbells to 15/20 pounds and do 8-10 of each, not 60.....

    I can't afford to buy anything. I'm not working. I'm 18 living with my mom and she can't buy it because she doesn't have money like that. Yes I've applied at jobs, nobody's hiring.

    Then do yourself a favor and get some bodyweight fitness worked into your routine. Pushups, pullups, you can go to a kid's playground and use the monkey bars if you have to. If you reddit, there's a whole subreddit /r/bodyweightfitness devoted to it. Strength training is going to be your friend and it's free. Also check out videos on YouTube.
  • law1558
    law1558 Posts: 51 Member
    If your goal is to lose weight, you need to focus as much on what you're eating as how much you're working out. It's a whole lot easier to reduce your daily calorie intake by 500 calories per day (which will equal 3500 calories per week = 1 lb) than it is to burn 500 calories working out and not changing your food intake.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    Yeah I keep telling myself to be patient. It sucks but I gotta keep reminding myself.. I don't have any other dumbbells nor can I buy new ones. The ones I have we're my sisters and she gave it to me.

    How about empty milk jugs filled with water? Or a backback full of books? Improvise.
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125

    Yeah I keep telling myself to be patient. It sucks but I gotta keep reminding myself.. I don't have any other dumbbells nor can I buy new ones. The ones I have we're my sisters and she gave it to me.

    How about empty milk jugs filled with water? Or a backback full of books? Improvise.

    A backpack..hmmmm for squats right? Sounds good. Thank you!