Plus size fashion for SHORTIES?

cassandranken Posts: 129 Member
edited April 2016 in Chit-Chat
Guys I need some HELP! I'm tired of looking frumpy. My birthday is coming up and I want a make over. I'm boxing up a bunch of our old clothes and giving them away so this is the perfect opportunity to start picking out some new stuff. I don't want to make the same mistake I always make, though--getting things that just don't flatter me and sit in the back of my closet.

I'm 4'9'' and 170-something (I'll check after I post this)lb. Big hips, big butt, big stomach, 36Dish breasts. Just to help with a visual since I have no pics to post.

I don't want to spend a whole lot of time trying to look nice on my days off because I work 5 days a week, night shift, and I'm always tired. We usually don't go anywhere, either, but if we do I want the option to look put-together, and not like I just crawled out of bed. Like right now? I'm wearing black leggings and a loony tons tshirt. I have so few options in clothing right now I'd go to the store in this right now. I don't want to be the girl that goes to the store in a Loony Toons tshirt.

I need some options to help expand my wardrobe and make me look like a 26 year old woman, not an overweight 16 year old who never learned to dress themselves (which is what I am now). I don't want to spend a whole lot of money or get a whole lot of things since I'm still losing weight and have a long way to go, but what are some things I can start with? Like, a pair of knee-high boots, some nice cardigans or scarves? I don't know. Please help!

This is the sort of style I like:


  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    So the images you posted you don't think they will fit your body? If you like those styles given your size I think you could pull it off. As far as the belly, I can't stand to see a woman with a huge muffin top. So I just wear something that fits..... Meaning not skin tight as that does not flatter most plus sized women. Don't wear anything too big. My aunt wears these huge 3x sized clothes and she's your size. So she looks frumpy and her body just looks like a sack of potatoes swimming in those clothes. Something that emphasizes and compliments your curves at the same time.
  • cassandranken
    cassandranken Posts: 129 Member

    did you mean shawty?

    no? i don't know? short people