

I am not exactly new to this, but I haven't really been making the most of the community aspects until today, so I wanted to drop a note and tell everyone hello! I used this app on my phone last year and I lost 30 LBS over the summer months!!! I was Bikini Fabulous ont he 4th of july last year!! However.. I did pretty much gain it all back over the winter.. So I am back once more to try and make it stick this time. A few things I noticed.. Last year I really cut too many calories and I lost weight to fast and I lost muscle tone. This year I am going more slowly and trusting the diet app A little more, and I am still loosing weight, though i am not weighing myself, I am just going more on how clothes fit and how my body looks. This year I am keeping my Muscle tone!! I use a Daily Cardio of an elliptical machine and last week I did Yoga 3 times, I would like to work up to a month unlimited, I think that will help me to improve my muscle tone as well.. What i learned last year was that It really matters more how good your muscle tone is rather than how much you weigh. When I got down to my goal weight, I really did'nt look good and I immediately put on 5lbs which made me look better. So In pursuing your goal weight, its ok to go more slowly as it allows you to build the muscle tone to offset the weightloss.. Trust me, saggy skin is the result and its not pretty. So make sure you get that strength training in with something like weight training or yoga, and dont mind the scale too much, and be patient!! it does work, it just takes time!! Good luck to everyone!!


  • Thanks for the advice. I just stared and am clueless to eating healthy/working out smart, so will take all I can :)
  • Ralph113
    Ralph113 Posts: 25

    Thanks for the info. I started MFP in Feb lost the weight I wanted but agree with you regarding losing muscle, I was losing muscle mass as well. So now 2 months into the gym I am focused more now on maintaining my weight and getting more tone. I agree weight loss without muscle tone is half the battle for me. I would like to be more disciplined with my gym visits but have been going at least once a week and am starting to retreat in the gains I made with my diet.

    Feel free to add me.