New and looking for people I can relate to

Hello everybody ! My name is Katherine (kat for short). I finally made it back to using myfitnesspal. I'm excited to be back and hopefully make some changes in my life. I also am apart of the biactric program for bypass surgery. I know some believe its a cop out, but I am still trying to become more aware of what I eat and how much because I know after surgery I cannot eat the same. I am just looking for people who are trying to be better to their bodies. After I'm done with school I would love to become a mother, but before that I want to get healthier. I just want to be able to play with my kid and also be a good role model when it comes to eating habits. Anyway, my biggest obstacle is how much I eat. I don't mind eating healthy but my biggest problem is always feeling hungry. If anyone feels the same and has somehow overcome it, I will take all the advice I can get. Hope to make new friends here and spread the support.


  • emmadonaldson95
    emmadonaldson95 Posts: 179 Member
    I am also constantly hungry it's a big running joke amongst my family and friends. I've actually found myself less hungry since starting using mfp 2 weeks ago, i think it's because the food choiced im making are better long term energy not quick fixes like chocolate etc.
    I also did some reading that suggested excess sugar can make you feel hungrier im not sure how solid the science behind that is but it's something to consider.
    You're welcome to take a look at my food diary and see what ive been eating to keep me full. Best way seems to be fibre and vast amounts of veg to keep you really full but with very few calories in the bulk of the food.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Don't let anyone tell you that it's a cop out. What you and your doctor decide are your business. I've got my own "cop out" assistance via my doctor, but I am still doing everything I can by adherence to smart eating and getting exercise.

    As far as helping control your hunger, step one is water. So are steps two and three. Make sure you're getting more than enough. Even though the foods are not as "fun", start transitioning into eating healthy, nutritious foods that are low in calories. You can eat most green veggies until they're coming out of you ears and your stomach wants to burst. They may not feel satisfying at first, but it will come.