Eep! 3 weeks of moving, family & wedding

KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
So in the next three weeks my husband and I will be moving ourselves from So Cal to Maryland. We move a lot, and moving always throws my eating & activity habits out the window! (Forget abt losing weight, I just want to maintain!) During this process we eat out a LOT and some of our family really could not care less about having fruits & veggies in their households. This time around, I would like to do some things differently, and I would love your tips!

The entire ordeal will take 2-3 weeks and involve road tripping from So Cal to Kansas, hanging out in KS with family, flying to New Orleans for a wedding, and then driving from KS to the east coast.

I plan to visit grocery stores & pick up portable fruits & veggies and bring along protein bars & individual servings of trail mix & almonds. I hope to modify my gym routine (2x/week) to be body weight. Maybe bump to 3x/w?

Give me your suggestions! How can I eat healthy & stay active while also booking it across the country & having fun with family?


  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I literally just did that and ended up being off mfp for about 2 months. It then took 17 days to lose the weight I had gained during the 2 months off. My best advice really is just to make as many good calorie choices as possible. For example, if you are going to eat out, ask for the nutrition guide so you know the calories you are consuming. And if I was eating dinner out, then I would have a low calorie brunch (I don't usually eat breakfast). Even with that, I ended up with a 7 pound weight gain, but I'm sure some of it was water.

    Good luck on your move!
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    All you can do is make the best choice available to you each time.
    Carrying your own snacks is a great idea, make sure you've got a water bottle too, so you aren't having to buy calorific drinks just because you are thirsty.
    When eating out, see if you can choose places that you know have better options. Or if not, pick something lighter (if possible) from the menu and don't eat it all. And think about the strategies that work for you when you eat out - for example, we had dinner at the pub the other night and my meal came with chips (fries, luckily in a separate container), so I put six on my plate and then asked my husband to put them on the other side of the table out of sight so it was easy to eat just a few along side my meal and leave the rest.
    And if you are eating with family, I think the trick will be to pay attentions to portions even if you can't control the type of food. Take a smaller portion, eat it slowly, and say no to seconds.
    And try to fit in a walk or some bodyweight exercises when you can.

    Hope it all goes smoothly!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    On road trips I walk a lot and eat two meals instead of three. Ditto for airport days. But in New Orleans I EAT ALL THE FOOD. All of it! And I drink. A lot. Sorry, that's just New Orleans for me.