I'm soo hungry

What things must I eat to be fulfilled and last me I'm a student by day and weekends Work grave yard and trying to do a low carb high protein to keep me full

Breakfast is my most rushed time do I make a 20oz protein drink that fills ms till 11/12 lunch then I eat like sandwitch type minus bread with lots of veggies and dinner is where I kinda splurge today was a bacon cheeseburger with the bun with bell pepper but it 10pm and I'm up STUDING till midnight so how can I stretch my Cals of 1250 a day? I've been drinking water probably on my 8th cup for the day and I have 16cals remaining?


  • sc487
    sc487 Posts: 102 Member
    More meals, smaller portions. I rarely snacked before I started to lose weight, now I snack contsantly. It's how I make it through. Take some of those fruits/veggies at lunch and push them back an hour or two then take part of your dinner and stretch it out unions couple hours later
  • tsivais
    tsivais Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome I will try that
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    5 almonds (30 cals) and some fruit is a good snack for me. I also need to save calories for evening because I need my sleep. And I have a very difficult time doing that if I'm hungry.
  • BradW99
    BradW99 Posts: 103 Member
    You're problem is you need more than 1250 calories a day. That's way too low. Start higher and taper down.
    Eat more and exercise more. The more you exercise, the more you can eat.
    You'll always be hungry with low calories like that. Then that leads to binging and it's all down hill from there.