I'm feeling very deflated but not in the way I want to be. Two weeks ago I weighed myself on one of these electronical machines that calculate your BMI , Height and Weight. I thought 'okay, now I have a starting point and I'm going to weight myself every fortnight. I have been very dedicated to my new way of living and have incorporated excersise into my daily routine too. I weighed myself yesterday and I have apparently grown an inch in height, expanded my waistline by 2 inches and GAINED HALF A STONE??? IN TWO WEEKS. My clothes feel a little looser though. I know muscle weighs more than fat but I'm struggling to get my head around it. I've just come to terms with what I weighed and now I'm apparently half a stone heavier. I need inspiration and motivation please eeeeeeeekkkkk...


  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    There are loads of reasons that either of the weights you have taken so far could be incorrect. There are also loads of reasons that your weight may temporarily go up but you are actually losing fat.

    Did you weigh at the same time of the day on the same set of scales?

  • Pocket__Cthulhu
    Pocket__Cthulhu Posts: 134 Member
    Good Afternoon, or morning if you're where I am.

    Don't Panic! You probably didn't gain enough muscle to weigh that much that quickly, but you most likely couldn't have eaten so much that it's all fat. If you just started exercising, it's probably nothing more than water retention. There are days when I seemingly gain 10lbs overnight (not sure what that relates to in stones, 'cause I'm from 'Merica.) because I shake up my exercise routine and shock my body into hanging onto water. Just like you most likely didn't grow an inch, and your clothes are fitting're probably doing alright and that scale is being finicky. 2 weeks is not long enough to show much progress one way or another. This isn't a race, and it will be slow.

    Keep at it, eat well, and weigh yourself again in a couple of days. I'll bet it will go down. Check the announcements where there are helpful pages in the categories, especially the one about BMR and TDEE. You're doing fine if your clothes are loose.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    BMI is "body mass index" and a function of your height:weight. You don't need any machines to do that; I suspect that any machine that purports doing that, is trash. You need to measure your height correctly, and then weigh yourself, and then calculate your BMI.

    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, but it's denser; anyway, you won't gain lots of muscle in two weeks, not even men can do that.

    Inspiration and motivation is great, but it won't help you achieve any goals. Correct information, reliable readings, and patience, will.

    Get your real height and weight and enter it into MFP: Set a goal to lose up to 1% of your body weight per week. Aim to hit that calorie goal every day - weigh everything you eat/drink (not water) and log it correctly. Weigh yourself on a real scale. Remember that your weight will fluctuate naturally from day to day, so don't fret if you don't see decrease every time. And keep moving.
  • InezDrury
    InezDrury Posts: 10 Member
    I find what ever way wear my hair affects the height scales. Had a messy bun in.... was 3inchs taller. Taking a pic in my under wear every Fri kept me going... I could slowly see progress.
  • Melanie9072016
    Melanie9072016 Posts: 42 Member
    There are loads of reasons that either of the weights you have taken so far could be incorrect. There are also loads of reasons that your weight may temporarily go up but you are actually losing fat.

    Did you weigh at the same time of the day on the same set of scales?

    Yes I did. That was my plan too. Same scales,time and clothes.
  • Melanie9072016
    Melanie9072016 Posts: 42 Member
    InezDrury wrote: »
    I find what ever way wear my hair affects the height scales. Had a messy bun in.... was 3inchs taller. Taking a pic in my under wear every Fri kept me going... I could slowly see progress.

    My hair is very short. Too short for a pony tail. It's baffling. Well done btw.
  • Melanie9072016
    Melanie9072016 Posts: 42 Member
    BMI is "body mass index" and a function of your height:weight. You don't need any machines to do that; I suspect that any machine that purports doing that, is trash. You need to measure your height correctly, and then weigh yourself, and then calculate your BMI.

    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, but it's denser; anyway, you won't gain lots of muscle in two weeks, not even men can do that.

    Inspiration and motivation is great, but it won't help you achieve any goals. Correct information, reliable readings, and patience, will.

    Get your real height and weight and enter it into MFP: Set a goal to lose up to 1% of your body weight per week. Aim to hit that calorie goal every day - weigh everything you eat/drink (not water) and log it correctly. Weigh yourself on a real scale. Remember that your weight will fluctuate naturally from day to day, so don't fret if you don't see decrease every time. And keep moving.

    Thank you for this. Great advice
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    OK, so then on that basis I would suspect that (as @Pocket__Cthulhu says) you are retaining fluids due to exercise. Time within your monthly cycle and "in transient" food may also be contributing.

    Personally, I weight daily and ignore unusual high and lows. But I would recommend weekly weightings and that you take some measurements (bust, waist, hips, thighs would seem sensible) and some progress pictures. All this data, along with how your clothes fit, are a better indication of progress than weighting alone.
  • Melanie9072016
    Melanie9072016 Posts: 42 Member
    Good Afternoon, or morning if you're where I am.

    Don't Panic! You probably didn't gain enough muscle to weigh that much that quickly, but you most likely couldn't have eaten so much that it's all fat. If you just started exercising, it's probably nothing more than water retention. There are days when I seemingly gain 10lbs overnight (not sure what that relates to in stones, 'cause I'm from 'Merica.) because I shake up my exercise routine and shock my body into hanging onto water. Just like you most likely didn't grow an inch, and your clothes are fitting're probably doing alright and that scale is being finicky. 2 weeks is not long enough to show much progress one way or another. This isn't a race, and it will be slow.

    Keep at it, eat well, and weigh yourself again in a couple of days. I'll bet it will go down. Check the announcements where there are helpful pages in the categories, especially the one about BMR and TDEE. You're doing fine if your clothes are loose.

    Awwwww lovely. Thank you. I feel more optimistic now.
  • Melanie9072016
    Melanie9072016 Posts: 42 Member
    OK, so then on that basis I would suspect that (as @Pocket__Cthulhu says) you are retaining fluids due to exercise. Time within your monthly cycle and "in transient" food may also be contributing.

    Personally, I weight daily and ignore unusual high and lows. But I would recommend weekly weightings and that you take some measurements (bust, waist, hips, thighs would seem sensible) and some progress pictures. All this data, along with how your clothes fit, are a better indication of progress than weighting alone.

    You're right! I've taken pictures but not measurments. I will definitely get the tape out. Thanks again.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Be sure to use the same scales, wear the same thing (or nothing) and weigh/measure at the same time of day.
  • Melanie9072016
    Melanie9072016 Posts: 42 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    Be sure to use the same scales, wear the same thing (or nothing) and weigh/measure at the same time of day.

    That's just it though, I did and still ruddy managed completely different body statistic lol