Setting a Goal Weight?!?

I am in a TOPS group and we have to get a doctors note with a goal weight for the group. I went to my doctor and got my note and I am really upset about the weight that was set. I think that it is something that is unattainable. Which is frustrating and I feel like it is almost setting me up for failure.

When I started on my weight loss journey I weighed 294 lbs, I am down to 203 lbs and feeling good. I think that I would look and feel my best around 180 lbs maybe 175. I feel like that is a goal that I can reach and maintain. Well my doctor feels that I should weigh 140 lbs. I am 5'8, I have a large frame and muscle. I was over 140 lbs in Jr. High.

Should I get a second opinion or should I quit whining and shoot for something that I don't see as possible?


  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    I would get a second opinion...

    I am in TOPS too. When I went to my Doctor for my note he said to start at 190 as a goal...I know I want to be lower than that, but I assume that when I get close to that he will give me another goal
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    That's in your healthy BMI range, but it's right in the middle. I think your doc is setting the bar high (or low? Like limbo) so that even if you don't hit it head on, you still get to a good place for you. Maybe set 140 as your ultimate goal, but mark 180 and 160 as important points for evaluating your health, since 180 is where you feel comfortable and 160 is in your upper healthy BMI range.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: don't sweat it......your long term weight loss goal is only a tiny part of the picture.......the real goal is the daily one of healthy eating and exercise and staying committed to the plan.......without the daily plan and commitment, it makes no difference what your total weight loss goal is:bigsmile:
  • tamara_nicole
    It's def. a BMI thing. I agree with a previous poster-set that as an ultimate goal, but use 180 and 160 as milestones. It will make it a lot easier!
  • Precious_Nissa
    Well in all reality, they dont base your body type to what your idea weight all reality, just as with me...i have a large bone structure; however, my doctor said that my idea weight is 130 lbs....honestly, thats their idea of things, but my goal is going to be what I set, not one someone else thinks i should be.
  • fdobson
    fdobson Posts: 28
    The second opinion should be your opinion. I am much like yourself and have a larger frame but I know in my own mind what a healthy and realistic weight is for me. It has to fit you and your life, not a chart. If it bar is set at something not achievable you could become overwhelmed and depressed. You look great, hang in there! I would like to know how TOPS works for you. We have a group here in town I have considered joining.
  • laurenpence
    laurenpence Posts: 147
    Ok here is the thing...most people THINK they have a larger body frame but in truth a small percentage of people have large body frames. If you are 5'8'' then I agree with your doctor to a point. I am 5'7' and I weigh 140lbs and I am in the healthy range. That is getting measured not using a calculator. I would aim for 150-160.