Going on a weekend vacation...

I'm leaving tomorrow at 7AM for a weekend vacation, and we all know that means there is no possibility of cooking for a few days...My hotel room doesn't have a kitchen or stove area....I will try and eat the best I can for eating out the next few days, but does anyone have any other tips they would like to share with me on how not to go over board on calories during my trip? I've been making progress these last few weeks and I really want to continue making progress and not losing it over the weekend! >.<


  • philippakate197
    philippakate197 Posts: 125 Member
    When in this situation I try and still log everything I eat, even if I have to guess a bit. It stops me from having a "oh screw it" mentality, and then shoving everything tasty in my mouth! It also reminds me that one day or weekend isn't going to make me suddenly regain all the pounds I've lost, I'd have to eat 3,500 calories over maintenance to even regain 1lb.

    But also remember you're on holiday, so enjoy it and don't worry too much - this is a lifestyle change and life is for living!
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    If the weather's nice, walk everywhere.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    edited April 2016
    I travel with healthy snacks (seaweed or kale chips, certain granola bars, celery or carrot sticks if I know the hotel has a mini bar fridge. I also make my own travel breakfast: dry 5-grain hot cereal mix and pb2 powdered peanut butter in premeasured single serve snack baggies. I then "cook" it in my room using the coffee pot to make hot water.

    Other than that, it's about regular eating out rules-- make the best choices I can, watch portion sizes (and don't feel compelled to eat everything on my plate just because I paid for it), enjoy my trip, and plan on an extra few laps in the pool when I get back!

    Oh, and taking pictures of my meals helps me log accurately while travelling!
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited April 2016
    Are you going with your parents?
    They may have restaurants picked out.
    If so, just choose salads w/grilled chicken or other healthy options.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Are you going with your parents?
    They may have restaurants picked out.
    If so, just choose salads w/grilled chicken or other healthy options.

    Nope, I'm going with friends so I have no clue where we will be eating at >.< It all just depends where everyone wants to go :( lol
  • philippakate197
    philippakate197 Posts: 125 Member
    hiyomi wrote: »
    Are you going with your parents?
    They may have restaurants picked out.
    If so, just choose salads w/grilled chicken or other healthy options.

    Nope, I'm going with friends so I have no clue where we will be eating at >.< It all just depends where everyone wants to go :( lol

    You say this as though it's up to your friends where THEY want to eat?! Don't forget you have opinions that matter too!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Try and visualize your portion sizes at home and eat that amount no matter how much is on the plate.

    Sepperate out and bag or discard the extras at the beginning to avoid overeating.

    Opt for garden salad, dressing on the side, instead of fries, yam fries, or caeser salad etc.

    Try doing shared plates with your friends.

    Chose one meal a day for a splurge. The other meals eat close to what you would at home.

    If you are drinking opt for gin, vodka, or rum with a 0 cal soda instead of a martini or cocktail.

    Enjoy yourself and get back to your deficit when you get home. It is only a few days.

    Cheers, h.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    Just went on short vaca last week and had some so-so meals & one really high calorie fat/salt bomb meal. I was 1.6 lbs up when I got home...water weight mostly tho on me it tends to hang on 3-4 days before dropping it and all but .2 lbs is gone:) Just remember you're there to spend time with your friends...not to eat calorically dense food;)