Cardio + Dumbbells



  • F3R1980
    F3R1980 Posts: 31 Member
    The weight gain is from glycogen/water retention from starting exercise. Normal.

    Bioelectric Impedance scales are inaccurate at reading precise BF% because water in the body can change the readings.

    And you're also probably eating too little overall.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    If I stick to the amount of exercise I am currently doing and elevate the calories intake should be allright?

  • lj8576
    lj8576 Posts: 156
    Steady state cardio causes metabolic adaptation especially if you do it every day. Switch to HIIT

    So are you saying if I switch between the treadmill one day and elliptical the next etc. I will not lose weight?
  • F3R1980
    F3R1980 Posts: 31 Member
    Probably, but on the other hand you can always eat less or different.
    At some point your body should find its' balance I guess.
    I'll add calories and see what happens
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    The weight gain is from glycogen/water retention from starting exercise. Normal.

    Bioelectric Impedance scales are inaccurate at reading precise BF% because water in the body can change the readings.

    And you're also probably eating too little overall.

    On top of that I'd also question your lifting routine. Is it an upper/lower body split or are you doing a full body routine 7 days a week? From a glance most upper/lower body routines are only 4 days per week with 3 rest days interspersed and most full body routines are 3 days per week with 4 rest days interspersed. Lifting heavy 7 days per week is probably counter-productive.
  • F3R1980
    F3R1980 Posts: 31 Member
    I almost don't do lower body, 45 mins bike should do it.
    I work chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs obliques and core,
    Lower back every day.
    Should i take 1 day off in between?
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member

    Should i take 1 day off in between?

    YES. You need to give your muscles 48h to recover.
  • F3R1980
    F3R1980 Posts: 31 Member
    Will try it and see how I feel and the results

  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    I almost don't do lower body
  • MsDrJuris
    MsDrJuris Posts: 41
    I almost don't do lower body, 45 mins bike should do it.
    I work chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs obliques and core,
    Lower back every day.
    Should i take 1 day off in between?

    Bike won't work your legs in the way they need to be trained for a strength regimen. You need to be training legs at least once a week. I recommend you start doing splits so you can give your muscle groups at least 1-2 rest days between sessions. I work a different muscle group five days out of the week (Sun-Arms; Mon-Chest, Tues-Back, Thurs-Shoulders, Sat-Legs), with one of the remaining two days dedicated to cardio and the other to rest. If this isn't your style, you can pick multiple muscle groups and double up on days, like back and biceps, chest and triceps, legs day, etc.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    you feel like you can work your whole body everyday (lifting) because the weight isn't very challenging.
    try increasing the weight, and doing less reps.
    you should be doing 8-15 reps per set.
    depending on your goals.
  • katg73
    katg73 Posts: 77 Member
    I almost don't do lower body

    You need the lower body strength training to help prevent injuries. And, as I'm sure others have already mentioned, you do need the rest days in between! If you keep working your muscles without rest days, then your muscles will not be getting the time it needs to repair itself. And as another said above, try increasing the weight w/less reps so your body will really feel it. It needs the challenge. I've heard of plenty of people who went all gung-ho working out w/cardio 7 days a week and they hit their plateau quick... when they cut down their frequency of working out, they started to see more benefits.

    And regarding food, please try to re-do your numbers. I, again, agree w/visiting IPOARM on here. Best of luck!
  • F3R1980
    F3R1980 Posts: 31 Member
    OK, so reading all your answers here maybe I should clarify a couple of things.
    I am not looking for size, I don't want to increase muscles size but to burn all the fat around them :) Is that even possible without getting bigger at some point? That's the main reason why I am doing light weights (5kg) and a lot of repetitions.
    About the legs, I've always had very muscled legs so I am just preventing any oversizing on that area.
    Again... the idea is only to lose as much fat as possible but the scale keeps steady for the last week.
    I do need to increase my calories intake asap, since all my body is aching right now (noticed that yesterday that I took a rest)
    Doing some maths I discovered that my NET calories were below 700 every day so I probably misunderstood the app. I'll have to fix that and see how it goes.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
  • tammys_changing
    Measure yourself as in measuring your neck, waist, and hips. You might find yourself building muscle (which weighs more than fat) you might notice you are getting smaller that way than on the scale.

  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Take a rest day. A full rest day. Sounds like you are over exercising. Rethink your strength routine to get to 3 days of god work and rest in between.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Eat more and stay off the scale for awhile. It will only mentally torture you to see the scale going up as you replenish your glycogen stores, etc--but it is for the best, because you most likely lost alot of muscle during the past couple of months of undereating, so you need to go ahead and start eating more now, before you do any more damage to your metabolism. Good luck
  • F3R1980
    F3R1980 Posts: 31 Member
    Eat more and stay off the scale for awhile. It will only mentally torture you to see the scale going up as you replenish your glycogen stores, etc--but it is for the best, because you most likely lost alot of muscle during the past couple of months of undereating, so you need to go ahead and start eating more now, before you do any more damage to your metabolism. Good luck
    Agreed, I should keep the scale away for awhile.
    Will add more calories and keep some space in between weights... see how it goes