College Student In Need

I need ideas on filling breakfasts that won't blow my calorie count for the day. As a student, sometimes I don't quite have as much time as I'd like to so I can't always hit the gym because I'm trying to keep my GPA alive. Also, since I'm often up late, I find myself getting hungry in the middle of the night. Should I just deal with the hunger or is midnight snacking not the evil it's advertised to be?


  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    Oatmeal has always been filling for me when it comes to breakfasts. For late night snacks, as long as you stay at or below your calorie goal you should be fine. Try doing raw fruits or veggies or maybe cheese or yogurt.
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    Timing of meals doesn't matter. Some days I eat breakfast, some days I don't. Some days i'm up at 4am for job 1, others i'm up till 2am for job 2. I eat when i'm hungry and I eat to my calorie goal.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    timing of eating is irrelevant...just log it.

    AS for breakfast I make egg muffins on Sunday for my breakfast for the week.

    Just 10 eggs beat, add peppers, onions, ham and top with cheese bake at 350 for 30mins in muffin tins.

    I make toast and warm them up in microwave. Or boil eggs to grab.

    My other breakfast is a fruit smoothie with protein powder...keeps me feeling fuller longer with the protein powder.

  • marphoria
    marphoria Posts: 14 Member
    I recommend making overnight oats (with steel cut oats, almond milk, little bit of cinnamon and brown sugar), put them in a mason jar or small tupperware container, stick it in the fridge overnight, and in the morning, you can heat them up for 1-2 minutes and top them with berries or sliced bananas.

    Or you can make a breakfast sandwich with whole grain bread/english muffin/tortilla, one egg, and a slice of bacon. I found this quick hack when I was pressed for time where I'd crack a raw egg into a small bowl, give it a quick whisk, top with a little salt and pepper, and heat it up in the microwave for 30-45 seconds (until the egg is cooked). Definitely not as great as a fried egg, but it does the job if you're craving them and need something super quick and filling.

    For the late nights, definitely eat if you're hungry, you'll be fine.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I eat Fiber One original bran cereal (30g worth) with 1/2 cup light vanilla almond milk. Gets me a rolling start on the day's fiber requirements and is tougher to digest so it keeps me from being hungry for hours. Might also work for a late snack since the two together are under 100 cals. Then I drink a double scoop whey isolate protein shake (60g protein). Those things together give me a boost of fiber and protein and keep my breakfast under 400 calories and I'm good for at least 3-4 hours.
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    I usually drink a protein shake, eat a hard boiled egg, grab a Greek yogurt, or make a fruit bowl with cottage cheese and take it with me in mornings. I like to snack between classes as well, so I also pack apple slices and peanut butter. As for night snacking, I'm usually up late studying and doing homework, and the great majority of my calories come way in the night. That hasn't hindered me in the slightest. Just plan your day to have snacks late night