Getting OLD & not healing



  • Lonestar5715
    Lonestar5715 Posts: 466 Member
    Grrrr- good advice is hard to follow!
    Thanks everybody :)
    Time to act like an adult.

    I found I needed exactly what you said here. I was "rewarding" myself too much and figuring old age simply meant giving in to the various pains and declining health.

    Like the others have said, change slowly but persistently and you will make progress. I waited until I was 54 but now I realize my body was designed to move and be active and I feel 38 instead of 58. Sure, there are still limitations but I am light years from where I was and will never allow myself to regress to sitting on the sidelines.

    The best years of your life could still be ahead of you, it's your choice whether you live them to your fullest!

  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    smantha32 wrote: »

    Are you lifting? I hurt way less when I'm lifting. Running and cardio don't do it for me.

    And this ^
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    I have injuries and can't exercise vigorously. I have to eat less.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited April 2016
    I eat myself fat because I like food & being lazy. Then my clothes stop fitting and I can't walk up a set of stairs without getting winded. I get sick of feeling like crap so I exercise hard and often to get back in shape. Everything is great until i rediscover chocolate and the couch.
    Repeat above cycle ad nauseum.
    This has been my life for 40+ years.
    Sure, going from flab to fit is hard. Injuries are nothing new: bruises, scrapes, blisters, sprains, strains, fractures, toenails falling off, whatever- just work through & it'll heal.
    Except now it doesn't! My knees always ache and swell. My ankles roll and the tendons slip. My hips pop out of joint. My heels feel like stabbing hellfire. My shoulders freeze up. My back is stiff ALL THE TIME. My freakin thumbs suddenly & painfully pop out of joint so I drop stuff- WTF?
    Anyone else out there faced with the realization your body is wearing out? How do you lose weight and get in shape without strenuous activity every day?

    You don't have to do and should not be doing strenuous workouts everyday...particularly if you're getting back into things. Going from nothing to balls out is a crap way of going about things. Most people should be doing light to moderate work most of the time.

    Slow the "f" down...getting your fitness back takes time. Treat your body with a little respect.

    As weight loss goes, your diet is 99.9% of that actually don't need exercise at all to lose's a *kitten* going that route, but exercise isn't necessary to lose weight.
  • ShodanPrime
    ShodanPrime Posts: 226 Member
    sllm1 wrote: »
    And eat the PROTEIN.

    This might be a factor. Stopped eating animals about a year ago. Used to love em but now it tastes gross. My protein grams went from 100+ per day to maybe 30.

    So you're not properly fueling, and not healing. Bingo.
  • ShodanPrime
    ShodanPrime Posts: 226 Member
    dsmpunk wrote: »
    I was just reading about an 80 year old guy that can bench 300 lbs. It most certainly gets tougher with age, but it is possible for most people to stay fit and strong even at an "advanced" age.

    If you aren't eating meat, you need to get your protein from beans, tofu, wheat gluten etc. I imagine this is a big part of your problem.

    He's 92 and looks like Bernie Sanders. He also pulls sumo.
  • robdowns1300
    robdowns1300 Posts: 152 Member
    I am 55 & "re-entering" fitness. I lost the most weight doing my "cardio" in heart rate zone 2. For me about 120 BPM. An article I found on MFP stated that our bodies burn fat best in that zone. As we work harder, we burn the electrolytes on hand from recent meals & not the stored fat. I actually lost weight (20lbs) faster than I intended. My treadmill ended up about as slow as it would go. It was easy to do for an hour at a time, watching TV 4 or so times a week. Now i am concentrating on weight training (5x5) & it feels great.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    sllm1 wrote: »
    And eat the PROTEIN.

    This might be a factor. Stopped eating animals about a year ago. Used to love em but now it tastes gross. My protein grams went from 100+ per day to maybe 30.

    Uh, yeah, huge factor. It's way harder to get a balance of amino acids on a veggie-only, but you gotta actually plan things a bit. And 30g, even of animal protein, probably isn't enough even for maintenance. And I suspect you're not getting enough fat in your diet, either. No surprise you're body is falling apart with that kind of abuse. Are you pure vegetarian, ovo-lacto, or some variation thereof?
  • ShodanPrime
    ShodanPrime Posts: 226 Member
    hill8570 wrote: »
    sllm1 wrote: »
    And eat the PROTEIN.

    This might be a factor. Stopped eating animals about a year ago. Used to love em but now it tastes gross. My protein grams went from 100+ per day to maybe 30.

    Uh, yeah, huge factor. It's way harder to get a balance of amino acids on a veggie-only, but you gotta actually plan things a bit. And 30g, even of animal protein, probably isn't enough even for maintenance. And I suspect you're not getting enough fat in your diet, either. No surprise you're body is falling apart with that kind of abuse. Are you pure vegetarian, ovo-lacto, or some variation thereof?

    Just an aside, as I've always curious... Does lacto-ovo really count? Or the ones who eat fish? Just seems like a different approach to being omni.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    hill8570 wrote: »
    sllm1 wrote: »
    And eat the PROTEIN.

    This might be a factor. Stopped eating animals about a year ago. Used to love em but now it tastes gross. My protein grams went from 100+ per day to maybe 30.

    Uh, yeah, huge factor. It's way harder to get a balance of amino acids on a veggie-only, but you gotta actually plan things a bit. And 30g, even of animal protein, probably isn't enough even for maintenance. And I suspect you're not getting enough fat in your diet, either. No surprise you're body is falling apart with that kind of abuse. Are you pure vegetarian, ovo-lacto, or some variation thereof?

    Just an aside, as I've always curious... Does lacto-ovo really count? Or the ones who eat fish? Just seems like a different approach to being omni.

    From a nutritional standpoint, ovo-lacto or ovo-lacto + fish will get you a good balance of aminos. That's why I asked... "don't eat animals" is kind of vague as to what the OP will eat.

  • nicolemarie999
    nicolemarie999 Posts: 91 Member
    edited April 2016
    Swimming, aquafit, and Tai chi are great exercise that are very gentle and low impact.
    Strength train under the guidance of a trainer and progress slowly.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Eat properly (calorie amounts and macro split to support your training), train within your envelope whilst endeavouring to expand it on a consistent basis, hydrate properly and sleep properly.

    Result? No injuries, consistent progress and end up much further ahead by taking a grown up approach to it rather than an all-at-once approach to it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Yeppers- even at 32- I do not recover the same way as I used to. at.all.

    More rest- more recovery- more warming up- real warming up- not running around "pretending" to do a warm up with 50 jumping jacks. For dance it takes me a solid 20 minutes to get really warmed and lubricated with my body. It's not all GO GO GO GO- but it takes a hot minute.
    sllm1 wrote: »
    And eat the PROTEIN.

    This might be a factor. Stopped eating animals about a year ago. Used to love em but now it tastes gross. My protein grams went from 100+ per day to maybe 30.

    dear god- that probably has a huge impact- even as a vegetarian you should be able to get upwards of 60 grams.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    sllm1 wrote: »
    And eat the PROTEIN.

    This might be a factor. Stopped eating animals about a year ago. Used to love em but now it tastes gross. My protein grams went from 100+ per day to maybe 30.

    30?!?!?! I'm vegan and I get that in my breakfast! I don't think that has to do with not eating animals. I think you need to take a really good look at your diet and REALLY work on upping that protein.
  • AliceAxe
    AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
    edited April 2016
    I got Lyme disease when I was only 24 and symptoms like that started. Im 48 now and you coudl say my life has been pretty hellish. I'm trying to use nutrition and physical therapy to make things better but have to be realy careful and go super slow with any kind of physical stuff. when I injure somethign it just doesnt heal. I pulled muscles that have taken months to years to heal. going at a snails pace training adn progressing in tiny incriments is the only way my body can do it, but it seems to work. going at about 10% of what I did when I was healthy. when I was healthy I could do 100 reps , now I can do 5. and can only increase like 1 rep a week. but atleast its doable that way. I also have chronic fatigue syndrome combined with the pain makes me super lazy. so I can totaly relate to the struggle. I'll be on a good role with my exersize and then get realy sick for a few weeks and it will totaly sabotage em and its liek Ive got to start all over again.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    I am 55 & "re-entering" fitness. I lost the most weight doing my "cardio" in heart rate zone 2. For me about 120 BPM. An article I found on MFP stated that our bodies burn fat best in that zone. As we work harder, we burn the electrolytes on hand from recent meals & not the stored fat. I actually lost weight (20lbs) faster than I intended. My treadmill ended up about as slow as it would go. It was easy to do for an hour at a time, watching TV 4 or so times a week. Now i am concentrating on weight training (5x5) & it feels great.

    I would love to read that article. Link?

    BTW - While what you say is 'technically' true, it is more of a marketing ploy than good advice.

    About this getting older nonsense... I am doing as much today at 47 as I did when I was 18. Build a good fitness base and you can still recover nicely. Sure, you will slow a bit and you have to be smart about training, but there's no 'rule' that says you have to have issues as you age.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    And Tai Chi. There's a reason old people swear by it.

    And a gentle form of yoga.

    And water fitness. So what if it's full of "old people." Call me old, but it's keeping me in shape (and in my jeans). :blush:
  • rosecropper
    rosecropper Posts: 340 Member
    edited April 2016
    hill8570 wrote: »
    sllm1 wrote: »
    And eat the PROTEIN.

    This might be a factor. Stopped eating animals about a year ago. Used to love em but now it tastes gross. My protein grams went from 100+ per day to maybe 30.

    Uh, yeah, huge factor. It's way harder to get a balance of amino acids on a veggie-only, but you gotta actually plan things a bit. And 30g, even of animal protein, probably isn't enough even for maintenance. And I suspect you're not getting enough fat in your diet, either. No surprise you're body is falling apart with that kind of abuse. Are you pure vegetarian, ovo-lacto, or some variation thereof?

    Just don't like how non-plant foods taste, smell, and sit in my gut.
    Progressed from omnivore to vegan incrementally. But knew I needed more than carbs so added back in some cheese & yogurt as that's least objectionable to me.
    Starting to use whey protein a bit too. Don't like eggs anymore, but can tolerate if hidden in something sugary like cookies!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    @rosecropper LOL eggs hidden in cookies. See if you can enjoy meringue.