When did people notice your weight loss?

myfightforfitness Posts: 136 Member
edited April 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
For those of you who have started your journey around 250lbs.

How much did you have to lose before PEOPLE noticed the weightloss?

How much did you have to lose for YOURSELF to notice the weightloss?


  • Lorraineg106
    Lorraineg106 Posts: 2 Member
    I started at 261 and am currently 221, immediate family noticed at around 20lbs down, people outside of this either haven't noticed yet or just haven't said and myself I really started seeing it around 30lbs off but everyone is different depends on height and body shape too I guess :)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I started at 211 (and I'm 5'2). For others it was at 30 lbs I started getting tons of comments. For myself, it was closer to 20 lbs, but I could only see it in my progress pictures.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I started heavier and and have lost 15lbs. It's mostly come off my waist and tummy and it's already noticeable.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Started at 236. Got comments around 20lb loss. I could see it about 6-8lbs
  • alanahp93
    alanahp93 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 5ft 2 and started at 143lbs (I dont have much to lose). I noticed it after only 5lbs but the only person who noticed a change is my grandmother after I lost 15lbs but that was only after she hugged me lol
  • deanne525
    deanne525 Posts: 69 Member
    I started at 230 down to 209 now. I get a couple comments from family, mainly because I lose in my face first but other then that no one has really noticed yet. im thinking at the 30lbs mark it will be obvious
  • deanne525
    deanne525 Posts: 69 Member
    kandeye wrote: »
    I started at 257, currently sitting at 244. No one has noticed really yet but I have! I can't stop feeling my ribcage because it's leaned out so much. My face is a bit thinner as well. The best thing is my clothes are starting to fit normally ( lol I was in denial and refused to buy any bigger clothes).

    ive also noticed my rib cage!!! keep up the good work!
  • smiles4jo
    smiles4jo Posts: 202 Member
    I started at 216 - I started noticing around 15 pounds down cause my clothes were fitting much better.

    I'm now 28 lbs down and the first person just commented on it a few days ago, so it's taken a while!
  • KaleiAlanaSmith
    KaleiAlanaSmith Posts: 133 Member
    I've lost 5 pounds so far (I know it's not a lot but I'm 140 and 5ft 7), and I've noticed weight loss myself before anyone else. I noticed when I touch the backside of my knees while sitting down, they're way thinner and not as squishy. My mom noticed that my legs were looking muscular about 5 weeks into working out. My boyfriend told me he noticed I lost weight when I jumped on his back for a piggy back ride about 5 weeks into working out also!! Hahah!! We are in college so we're still dorky. But yea, I myself haven't noticed any body differences except my legs. I hope my tummy slims down next!!
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Started at 200 a few years back and I didn't notice any difference until I had lost over 30lbs.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    Started at 265, just starting to get comments now at 40+lbs lost.
  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    I started at 165 pounds. I'm 135 pounds and i'm just now noticing a visible difference in myself. But people in my family started commenting when i had lost my first 10 pounds or so.
  • myfightforfitness
    myfightforfitness Posts: 136 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss everyone !!! :D:)
  • jetinder
    jetinder Posts: 31 Member
    edited April 2016
    I started at 323, but people noticed when I'd lost 40lbs, after about 8 weeks. The weirdest thing is that you don't necessarily want to buy a new wardrobe until you get to the end of your journey, but it's very rewarding when you do.
  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    Started at 154, now at 138. People notice after the first 10lbs.