What should my weight and inches lost goals be?

Hi there,

I could use some advice on what my goals should be realistically-speaking. I would like to lose weight and inches over the course of the next 6 months.

My weight is 213 lbs- waist: 50 in (at naval) 46 in (at smallest point) - hips: 52 in - thigh: 29 in - neck: 15 in - bicep: 15 in

My BMI is 36.6 and my Body fat % is 59.8

I exercise 4-5 days a week for an average of 45 mins a day. I am exclusively nursing a 3 m/o so I have been careful about extra calories so I won't be losing like a 'normal' person more than likely.

I just wanted to have some approximate numbers to look forward to, know what I mean? I was this big before pregnancy, lost all the pregnancy weight and gained 5 lbs back. Does 25 lbs in 6 months sound okay? What about the inches because I have no idea what to expect there?

Thanks in advance! :#


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Inches will be tougher determine, we all lose weight differently but 25 pounds sounds like a good goal.

  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I used to not believe the BMI "normal" range numbers, they seemed too low. When I actually did get in the green range I found that in fact it was pretty correct. So, use the MFP BMI graph and if you desire to be in the "normal" green range, there's your answer. Your measurements will depend on your frame and muscle mass--the weight numbers in the BMI graph account for the vast majority of humans. Pace should be -2lbs/week or less.